the ring

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**saturday december 24th – 2039** 9 weeks pregnant **

-ellies pov- 

I end up nodding off for a nap but then I get woken up by a kiss on my cheek "we are here baby. Come on, I want to show you something" he says, and I look around us. We are at the dance studio where we used to dance together. The dance studio where he walked in the door, and we meet for the first time. 

"What are we doing here?" I ask as he helps me out of the car and the cold winter air hits my face "you will know soon enough baby" he says and intertwine our fingers before leading me into the empty building. Its dark but we can see a light coming from one of the dance studios rooms where we used to spend hours dancing. 

He opens the door and I walk in seeing candles everywhere and photos hanging from the ceiling, photos of us from over the years. "Oh my god, this is so beautiful" I say and look at us from different times during our relationship. There is also faint music playing, our songs, "little things" by one direction. 

Alex takes my hand and leads me to the middle of the room "I want to tell you some things Elliana Alwyn, and I want you to listen to everything and wait to say anything until I'm done okay" he says, and I nod. In the pit of my stomach, I have an idea about what all of this is and it's making me emotional even thinking about it. 

"One august day a little over four years ago I walked into this room and saw you for the first time. You were wearing your pink ballet tights over your blue leotard and had your hair up in a messy bun. All through class I couldn't stop looking at you, but I didn't think you noticed me at all. I first said hi to you a couple of classes later because we were paired for something and we actually had to have a conversation, but I was so nervous to talk to you. It took me lots of courage to even introduce myself because you were just... you" he says with a chuckle, and I remember that I was nervous too. 

** flashback **

"Elliana and alexander you're paired together for the nutcracker. Elliana will be dancing sugar plum fairy" our dance teacher says and I look around the room for the new guy that apparently is alexander. I don't really know him; I have just seen him around here and started seeing him at school. 

"You must be Elliana" a brown-haired, brown eyed boy says and come over to me and reach out his hand. "i'm alexander... but uh... uh... everyone calls me Alex" he says, and I panic for a second before coming back to reality and shaking his hand. "i'm Elliana. And everyone calls me Ellie" I say and give him a smile. 

He is really cute... god Ellie don't think that... he is just a boy you're going to dance with, nothing more. Who could ever like you anyway. Get over yourself. 

** end of flashback **

"From that day I knew that my initial attraction to you had turned into a full-blown crush, and I was terrified. I was terrified to ask you out because I was so scared that you were going to say no. So I kept my distance but keep talking about you at home all the time. Everyone in my house were going crazy because I kept talking about this girl I meet and I wanted to get to know her better, to ask her out, but I was scared" he says and take my hands and kiss my knuckles. "But I did ask you out and you said yes" 

I remember the nerves I had about that. I remember the conversations I had with my friends and with my parents because I wished so bad that he would ask me out, but I thought he only saw me as a friend. 

"From the first time I held your hand to the first kiss I knew I had found someone special, someone one of a kind. It didn't take long for me to fall hard for you, and I couldn't keep mt feelings inside any longer, so I told you I love you on our one-month anniversary, and you made me the happiest boy when you said you love me too" he says, and I giggle I remember how scared he seemed when we sat in the car eating junk food and talking. He gave me some cheesy speech and ended it with those three little words that made my heart stop beating for a moment, it was perfectly imperfect. 

A place in this world - peace series spin off - ellianas storyWhere stories live. Discover now