back in time -part 2

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**monday august 6th – 2040** 4-week-old **

-ellies pov-

After gathering myself again I continue on watching my testimony, now I'm asked about the next time I saw him. "there was a loud shatter of glass in the playroom. And he came in... came in through the window and grabbed me and dragged me out"

I remember being in the playroom and then everything happened so fast. I was playing with Kenzie, holding up toys for her to play with but then the window broke, and he came in grabbing me.

** flashback **

"Look at the elephant Kenzie" I say and hold it up for her as she grabs for it. She is getting so big and strong, and it's fun playing with her. I like playing with her more than aurora because aurora throws tantrums and is annoying, Kenzie doesn't do that. Kenzie hardly cries at all; she is a happy baby.

There is a shatter behind me, and I feel glass around me then I'm grabbed me by my waist and dragged out the window. I scream at the top of my lungs, wiggle and kick. "Let me go" I scream again but the person is holding me hard, so hard that it hurts me.

"Stop whining" the person growls and slaps my booty really hard as they run away. That's the same voice of the mean man outside my school. "you're mean let me go" I say and try to kick and hit but the mean man is holding me hard and then I'm thrown into a car that starts to speed away.

It hurt my head and my booty. It's so dark and I'm scared. I want mommy and daddy. Where is mommy and daddy. "mommy" I scream "daddy" I scream louder.

** end of flashback **

I need to stop the video again as I remember it all too well. There was a horrible smell, it smelled like tobacco and the air was bad back there. It was hard to sit but I knew I couldn't stand because the car was moving so fast, it was also really dark.

Then mom was thrown in there too and at least I wasn't alone anymore. Then things become fuzzy, what I do remember is my arm getting hurt because he wanted my mom to listen to him.

Continuing on with the video I see that I'm crying and asking for my mom, the opposing attorney tries to object to me having her by my side which is just cruel. I get that he is defending his client, but I was a six-year-old sitting up there right infront of the person that hurt me. How can a person be so heartless that they want a child to suffer more to feed their own agenda. There should be a moral line, but clearly, he didn't think it was important. Thankfully the judge agreed, and I remember holding my mom's hand for the rest of the time I had to sit there.

I also remember the judge being really nice to me, she smiled, and she handed me tissues. She also whispered to me at some point that it was okay to not look at him if I didn't want to because I started to panic. That helped, I remember that. I also remember that I went to meet her before the trial, and she gave me this pin I still have to this day.

When he asks me what i happened next, I tense because I know what's about to come. I tell him that he forced my mom to choose between me and her, who was going into that other room behind that door. At that point I didn't understand what was happening, I just knew that the basement was filthy, and my uniform was getting dirty.


** flashback **

Adam is talking to mommy and being really mean. He is calling her names and getting really angry. "You are Taylor. It's you or her. You can decide that for yourself baby" he wants to take me or mommy into the other room, but I don't know why.

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