Chapter 49: Moving Forward

Start from the beginning

"What exactly do you mean?"

"What I mean is that it is impossible for the Faunus to be placed all the way across the entirety of the continent without care. There are multiple factors that limit where exactly the Schnees could have started mine in the Solitas mountains, the major factor is the fact that there are still thousands of powerful Grimm all around Solitas." 

"We know this because it is the literal reason why Atlas was made to float in the first place, and it is also the reason why Mantle isn't nearly as advance as Atlas even though they share the same general space and culture."

Adam thought about it for a moment, soon coming to understand what his Brother was talking about, "that makes sense. Mantle would need to focus the majority of its resources on defending its city borders from the Grimm so they would be unable to create as many advancements in technology as Atlas would. However, what does this specifically mean for the Faunus?"

"It means that the Schnees wouldn't have been able to create and maintain multiple different mines across the massive expanse of the continent, instead they would have to focus all of their attention on one major base." 

"That way they could concentrate all of their defensive systems in one location to create a powerful stronghold to defend against the Grimm all while keeping the Faunus production at its peak."

"Indeed" the bull Faunus said as he put his free hand to his chin in thought, "that would make the most sense. They would keep one or two major stronghold type fortresses that would function both as central defense and the entrance to the mines themselves, that way the rest of production would happen underground and thus would not need to be defended against from the Grimm." 

"It would also work well for them as they could easily keep the small bases hidden from the public and minimize the number of places that air transportation vehicles would need to travel to in order to pick up the product. Shit, I wouldn't even be surprised if they had processing plants on sight as well."

"Exactly" (Y/N) said as he realized that Adam was very quick on the uptake of information. "This is good for us as well since we'll have less to conquer in order to free our peoples. Instead of traveling across the continent to find the hot spots we'll only have to go into one or two and go through the thousands of miles of mines killing all the assholes we see and freeing all the Faunus until we're done."

"And how exactly do you plan to get all of our Brother and Sisters out? It would more than likely take hundreds of cargo ships, on multiple trips in order to get them all, and on top of that we'd need a place for all of them to go. Menagerie is already more than overcrowded and the main continents isn't exactly looking to accept any Faunus refugees."

"I am aware Adam, but the specifics of that portion of the plan haven't been completely ironed out yet. You have to remember that we know next to nothing about the Faunus labor, but I have already created a general outline of how we can retrieve our people. The first idea is something you already mentioned, the air transportation that they use to get the Dust from the mines." 

"We can already assume that there are hundreds of them to transport the amount of product that they do, and we can also assume that all the ships are automated because loose lips sink ships and they more than likely wouldn't want any human pilots knowing the locations of their 'production facilities'." 

"So, the idea is pretty self-explanatory from there, we get them comfortable on the airships and input any comfy location we wish to send them to. Obviously we'd need to adjust the way the cargo is carried, add blankets, food, water, heating, and everything else to ensure a safe flight, but theoretically this is the best solution to that issue." 

The Awakened One, Book 1: RemnantWhere stories live. Discover now