Kidnapped. Pt. 2

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"Thirty seconds per call," Yor comments after ending the call.

"I guess beggars can't be choosers," OC responds, somewhat disappointed he couldn't even say 'I love you' to Hayasaka before being cut off.

"But I'm shocked honestly, you're way too young to have a girlfriend," Yor points out, not aware of the social norms of teenagers.

"Well, I'm too young to be held hostage but here I am," OC jokes, hoping to deepen his trust with Yor.

She rolls her eyes in response, however deep inside she knew OC was right. This was the youngest person she ever had to keep an eye on, and she wasn't even allowed to know why.

"What did you do anyways, to land up in the same place where all of the cocky old snobs go?" Yor asks, intrigued by OC and his past.

"It's a long story, but to cut it short I was given a mission to kill someone. Seems simple, no?"

Yor nods her head in agreement, beckoning OC to continue.

"Well, that starts to get...complicated, when the person you have to kill is a girl you've known for practically your whole life..."

"...and is your girlfriend," OC finishes, making Yor gasp in shock.

"My, that''ve...never heard of a situation like that before," Yor responds, starting to think of what she would do if she was tasked to kill her 'husband'.

"Haya..." Yor mutters, catching OC's attention.

"Hm? What about her?" OC asks innocently, silently cursing himself for saying her name.

" in You were tasked with killing Nao's daughter...weren't you?" Yor deducts.

"You caught me," OC sighs and shakes his head, mad at himself for making such a careless mistake.

"Well...I guess it makes sense, given the Kocho and Hayasaka family rivalry," Yor sits down in the chair that Oko once sat in, making herself comfortable as she pockets her dagger.

"Family...rivalry?" OC confusedly responds, completely unaware of any 'rivalry' they had.

"Well, more of a one-sided rivalry if anything, the Kocho family was looking to replace the Hayasaka family as the serving bloodline for the Shinomiya family," Yor explains, recalling her memories from previous 'assignments'.

"No...wait that can't be right...I thought our family just had partnership with—"

"—it started with a partnership, it was supposed to end with the complete extinction of the Hayasaka family, starting with from what I can assume, the primary daughter," Yor cuts in, shocking OC.

"God..." was all OC could utter in response.

"Why did you even take the mission anyways? You know, since you already had such a strong bond with this girl," Yor asks, completely dumbfounded by OC's decision to take such a dangerous mission.

"I didn't want anyone else to do it, that's the main reason. I knew if I were given the opportunity to do it myself, I could at least prolong it, well in my case I stopped it from happening completely," OC explains, recalling his confirmation to take the mission before boarding the plane.

"How stoic," Yor dismissively responds, however inside happy that someone so young could have such resolve.

"Well, theoretically speaking...wouldn't the smartest option be..."

" just talk?"

Before OC could respond however, a loud buzz comes from outside the room, prompting Yor to quickly stand up and head for the door.

Maid For You (Ai Hayasaka x OC) [Kaguya-Sama: Love Is War AU]Where stories live. Discover now