Chapter 18: If You Gave A President A Cookie

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*May 18th, 4:22PM*

"Kaguya-sama, why are you in such a hurry?"

OC, Hayasaka, and Kaguya had already made their way to the estate after a long day at Shuchiin Academy.

Kaguya doesn't respond, however huffs and puffs her way into the kitchen. A few moments after OC and Hayasaka hear pots and pans clanging, the chefs on the staff walk out with dejected looks on their faces.

"What on earth is happening?" OC asks. Hayasaka shrugs. They walk into the kitchen together, a discombobulated look on both their faces.

"Kaguya-sama," Hayasaka prompts. The noises of kitchenware continue clanging around, and Hayasaka pinches the bridge of her nose. This time, with a much more stern tone, she repeats, "Kaguya-sama."

"Yes?" Kaguya finally speaks, sounding desperate. OC cocks an eyebrow.

"What are you trying to do?" he asks. Kaguya pouts and finally gives up trying to organize the kitchen pots and pans on the counter.

"I need to make cookies," Kaguya defeatedly admits. OC places a hand on his hip, and Hayasaka tilts her head.

"I don't remember any special occasions that require baking cookies," Hayasaka inquires. Kaguya nods and OC notices a faint blush on her cheeks.

"You're right, Hayasaka. There is no special occasion requiring cookies." Kaguya cluelessly gathers different ingredients to bake from the fridge and pantry. "It's for President."

OC and Hayasaka look at each other in awe.

"You're finally going to confess to him?!" OC cheers.

"No! It's not like that!" Kaguya denies. She opens a bag of flour, coughing when its particles slightly explode into her face. "It's just...President received cookies from an anonymous person and..."

"...And you got jealous?" OC finishes her sentence. Kaguya's face flushes red. Hayasaka smirks, folding her arms together.

"No! I just want to show the President that my cookies are the only ones worth eating!"

OC scoffs and rolls his eyes, almost envying how Kaguya could be so hardheaded.

"Well, if that's the case Kaguya-sama, OC and I shall be leaving to attend to our duties. Call us if you need help," Hayasaka explains, knowing full well Kaguya has never baked a cookie in her life.

Kaguya stays silent, now looking in a cabinet.

As Hayasaka and OC exits the door, Hayasaka continues to speak,

"Oh, and...try not to burn the estate down."


*7:15 PM*

Hayasaka and OC had finished all of their duties for the day and then decided to check on Kaguya, somewhat worried about the lack of sounds coming from the kitchen.

When they approach the kitchen doors, they can hear soft crying from inside. Hayasaka knocks twice.

"Kaguya-sama?" Hayasaka opens the door. She and OC immediately cover their noses from the hideous stench coming from the...cookies.

"How much vanilla extract did you put in that?!" OC coughs. "It's like, suffocating me!"

Kaguya whines and slides them a tray of slightly burned cookies. "Taste them..! Tell me if they're good or not!"

Hayasaka furrows her eyebrows and pinches her nose shut, trying to grab a cookie that was basically stuck onto the tray. She splits one in half and OC takes it, the both of them taking a bite at the same time.

Their taste-buds are harshly ravished by several different and strong flavors—vanilla, chocolate, and...honey?


He looks over to Hayasaka and can see her leaned over, throwing up rainbows and glitter. He faces towards Kaguya again, watching her quickly discard the cookies she had just baked.

OC lets out a raspy sigh and slaps a hand on his face. Hayasaka wipes her mouth with the back of her hand and straightens her posture.

"Kaguya-sama, would you..." Hayasaka clears her throat, "Would you prefer it if we helped you?"

Kaguya swiftly turns away from OC and Hayasaka, nodding in embarrassment. OC chuckles and starts cleaning up Kaguya's mess first, letting Hayasaka gather the appropriate ingredients to bake cookies.

"Do you even know the president's favorite cookie flavor?" OC asks. Kaguya shrugs, but then recalls the conversation she and Miyuki had when he'd first acquired the anonymous cookies.

"Chocolate chip cookies, he said he liked," Kaguya says. "The ones he had gotten were snickerdoodle, so I suppose he isn't a big fan of cinnamon..."

"Chocolate chip cookies it is, then," Hayasaka finalizes as she gets chocolate chips from the top shelf.

"Be careful up there, Haya," OC calls out.

Finally, they begin the process of making cookies after Hayasaka searches up a proper recipe for baking them.

Several moments had passed by after the trio had measured the ingredients properly, mixed everything together, and scooped out the dough onto a clean baking tray. The smell of the kitchen had now been refreshed, the sweet aroma of chocolate chip cookie dough filling the air.

Kaguya impatiently waits for the timer to go off. It was only a few minutes but Kaguya needed it all to be perfect for the president!

OC and Hayasaka wipe off the sweat from their foreheads, both sighing in sync after cleaning the rest of the dishes that had been used to measure and mix the dough.


"Finally!" Kaguya cries out as the timer goes off.

Hayasaka quickly slips on oven mitts, bringing the hot tray of freshly baked cookies onto a cooling rack. Kaguya claps excitedly, blowing on the cookies to try and make them cool off faster.

"You'll get spit on the cookies," OC warns, "And you'll get the president sick." Kaguya almost chokes.

"You're right!" she immediately stops blowing and presses her palms against her eyes. "But it's taking so long..."

"Well it shouldn't matter that much, you're giving these to him tomorrow," Hayasaka stares at the cookies intently. "These smell good."

In the end, they had baked a total of 17 cookies, so Kaguya wouldn't mind sharing a few with Hayasaka and OC. After the cookies finish cooling, she carefully places the remaining 12 cookies in a little gift box with a clear cover that reveals the hard work she, Hayasaka, and OC had put into baking these cookies.

Kaguya goes to bed with a huge grin plastered onto her face. Her heart beats excitedly in anticipation for the next day where she'd be leaving her box for the president as an anonymous gifter.

"I assume this means we have the rest of the night off?" OC jokes, noticing that it's only 8PM.

"Sure," Hayasaka nods. "I'm tired after all of
this anyway."


The next day, Miyuki frantically enters the Student Council room, afraid that he would be late. Luckily, he wasn't, but he had found it strange that there was nobody in the room yet.

Out of breath, he walks to his desk and finally sees a box of cookies!

"To Miyuki..." he reads the printed writing. He examines the box further and finds no name from whom it was given from.

He opens the box carefully, the sweet smell of the cookies invading the air of the room. Taking a bite out of a cookie, his taste-buds are blessed by the overwhelming flavor of the cookies.

"Woah—what! These taste amazing!" he exclaims to himself as he finishes the rest of the cookie.

Little did he know, though, Kaguya was hiding behind the door, trying to wipe off the sweet smile on her face.

Results Of Today's Battle: Kaguya's Victory

Maid For You (Ai Hayasaka x OC) [Kaguya-Sama: Love Is War AU]Where stories live. Discover now