Chapter 12: Web Of Lies Spun On Lust

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A while after letting out his anger, he sits alone on a bench slouching over, his head resting in his hands. He wants to use the rest of his lunch time to find Hayasaka, but didn't have the spirit to do so.

"OC?" a familiar voice calls out to him.

"Shut the fuck up, I'm not in the mood for any bullshit right now."

"OC, it's me. Why are you out here sitting alone?"

He finally looks up to see the person he'd been trying to find for the entirety of his lunch.

"Hayas—!" OC is cut off when he sees Hayasaka's face, her bloodshot eyes and red nose reminding him of how she was the morning of her birthday.

Hayasaka tries to speak again, but tears start to fill her eyes and her throat starts to choke up. She collapses in the seat beside him and covers her face, sobbing all over again.

OC's mood immediately shifts as he tries to comfort her, pulling her in and pressing his body against hers. He quietly shushes her and rubs her back gently

"Y-you know, don't you? Y-you probably think I'm some sort o-of," Hayasaka hiccups and starts to bawl harder, OC squeezing just a bit tighter and assuring that everything would be okay.

"I know they're not yours, Ai. It's okay, everything's gonna be okay," OC affirms as he thinks about how to prove her innocence.

OC and Hayasaka hug each other for what seems like hours within minutes. They continue to hug even after hearing the bell that signifies that lunch is over, uncaring of the consequences that could come after.

"We know it's not your fault. It's okay to cry," he squeezes harder, "So let it all out."

Something inside Hayasaka felt as if it was ripping, tearing itself apart. She could feel herself breaking in OC's arms, a warmth she hadn't felt in a long time. She doesn't scream, she doesn't wail. She then only cries silently and hiccups from time to time, OC feeling every breath and every movement from her.

Her hands shake as they cling hard onto OC's shirt, her fingernails almost ripping through. Her tears soak through his sleeve, but he lets it be. OC lets them stay like this for a while, continuing to rub circles on her back and reassuring her.

Soon, Hayasaka's breathing starts to slow down but she still hides her face into OC's shoulder. He thinks of any possible distraction he could use to get everything off of Hayasaka's mind, but also wonders if she'd wanted to talk about it all as well.

"We're okay, Ai," OC reassures as Hayasaka pulls away from the hug a bit. "We're going to be okay."

She simply nods, keeping her eyes low. "I'm sorry. Your sleeve."

"Don't worry about it." OC smiles, leaning a bit lower to meet Hayasaka's dewy eyes. "Do you want to talk about it?"

Hayasaka shakes her head no, but OC could tell she had something to say. Both of them knew the photos weren't hers, but he was curious as to how the rumors had started anyways.

"Last week," Hayasaka hesitates, "A kid from our class confessed to me behind the school." OC nods, listening and not responding. "Ryu Watanabe...I think his name was."

She could see OC's eyes beg for the answer she'd given the person who'd confessed to her and almost smiles.

"I said no, of course. And he still had the audacity to grab my hand and ask to re-do his confession...but I shook him off and was like, 'You're not my type.'"

"Hmmm...Ryoko Wasabi, huh? I swear if it was him that started this I'll ki—"

"—PFFFF" OC's sentence was cut off by Hayasaka giggling.

Maid For You (Ai Hayasaka x OC) [Kaguya-Sama: Love Is War AU]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora