Chapter 11: Pictures Speak A Thosuand Words

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The weekend passes quickly, OC and Hayasaka doing their usual duties as servants of Kaguya.

*8:47 AM, 4/8*

It was a boring day for Kaguya so far, the repetitive air of getting ready to school and going into the student council started to become tasteless for her. However, today as she entered the council room, she felt a shiver go down her spine as she saw the serious expressions on Chika and Miyuki's face.

"Shinomiya, good timing. You oughta see this," Miyuki states, not looking up from his laptop screen.

Kaguya was somewhat taken aback by Miyuki not greeting her good morning, and Chika remaining eerily silent throughout their exchange.

Regardless, she cautiously walks up behind the president and looks in the same direction of his computer screen.

"President, what on earth am I looking at?"


Hayasaka walks through the halls of school and feels weird gazes being drawn towards her. She feels lasers being drilled through all sides of her head like she was some sort of exotic animal.

She decides to ignore it and briskly walks to her locker where she's met by Mirin and Subaru.

"Good morning, Subaru, Mirin," she cheerfully greets. She turns to look at them confusedly when she receives no responses back, only strange looks as if she was a foreigner.

"Um, Hayasaka...?" Subaru starts, showing her phone's screen to Hayasaka. "Is it true you sent these to the boys in our class?"

Mirin tries her best to hide it, but it was clear that she was totally disgusted.

"Wait, what?" Hayasaka scans the images more closely, and then her heart drops. She feels a lump in her chest and gags, almost vomiting.

The images just revealed to her eyes consist of a blonde woman's naked body put in very, very explicit positions—and if you look close enough, the woman's face looks exactly like Hayasaka herself.

Hayasaka stares at the images in disbelief, her mouth agape. She doesn't remember ever taking photos like that, and never thought she would ever in the future either.

"No response..." Mirin cringes, wanting to deny it all.

She couldn't believe Hayasaka would ever do something as inappropriate as this, but neither could Hayasaka. She then takes Subaru's hand and leads her away, Subaru locking eyes with Hayasaka as if she'd been betrayed.

Hayasaka is left there, standing alone and then quickly sprinting as fast as she could the opposite way her friends had just left. She feels tears burning streaks down her cheeks and covers her face, avoiding all the looks she receives from everyone whispering.

'What the hell happened over the weekend?! Are those actually real?! When did I ever take pictures of myself like that?!'

She quickly manages to make her way to the girls bathroom, locking herself inside a stall and bawling her eyes out.


OC walks through the halls of Shuchiin and feels a toxic atmosphere building through it. He has a suspicion that something was wrong but decides to ignore it.

He sighs as he remembers that homeroom was going to be held in a different classroom for the day, and that he had no idea where it was.

He hesitantly makes his way to the Student Council room to have Kaguya give him directions. Upon arrival he sees that all of the members had a dim look on their face.

Maid For You (Ai Hayasaka x OC) [Kaguya-Sama: Love Is War AU]Where stories live. Discover now