Bonus Chapter: Please Wake Up

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Note: This chapter has many medical inaccuracies and is not to be taken as an accurate medical situation.


"Please let me see him..." Hayasaka begged as she fell to her knees, clutching at the doctors white coat with tears in her eyes.

The doctor softens her expression in response, kneeling down in front of Hayasaka and wiping her tears.

"I know it's hard miss, I know." The doctor says as she puts a hand on Hayasaka's shoulder.

"I-I don't want to lose him!" Hayasaka cries out as she hugs the doctor with full force, nearly knocking the doctor down.

"I know you don't sweetie." The doctor attempts to affirm Hayasaka but knows she can't make any promises she can't keep.

"Please, doctor be honest with me. I-is he going to die?" Hayasaka asks as she looks at the doctor with eyes that put twenty anvils of guilt on her back.

The doctor stands up and her name tag flashes in the light, "Kanroji Ress".

She helps Hayasaka to her feet and guides her to a chair before continuing.

"There's a good chance that he lives. However, even then there will be complications in his motor skills. After all, brain tumors like OC's are extremely hard to predict once out." Ress explains, not wanting to get Hayasaka's hopes up.

Hayasaka grabs Ress's hand before speaking,

"Please, doctor. I don't care what you have to do, just please...I can't lose him." Hayasaka was now full blown crying, not caring if anyone outside the room could hear her.

Ress stays silent, knowing full well that the "good chance" he lives is merely 37%. She looks back up at Hayasaka, who went into hysterical crying.

"You said you wanted to see him right?" Ress asked, recalling Hayasaka's original request.

Hayasaka silently nods through tears and stands up ready to leave.


Hayasaka steps through the dark room, only hearing the sound of the constant beep that signifies that the man she loves is alive. She stares at the illuminated screens that displayed his heart rate and blood pressure, unknowing of how to think of it.

She walks forward and sees OC, with many tubes and lining she never thought she would ever see inside OC. The sight of it made her want to cry on the spot, but she didn't want to spend what could be her last moments with him crying.

"Hey, OC..." Hayasaka speaks while pulling up a chair in front of him and gently grabbing his hand.

"I know you can't hear me but...I just want you to know that, you'll be okay."

"I promise you that after your surgery, we're going to have a lot of fun together okay?"

"We can go on that beach trip that we planned, and we can go buy those matching outfits we always wanted."

"I'll buy you whatever you want when you wake up OC, after all I still owe you for these earrings!" Hayasaka states trying to have a cheery voice on for OC.

"I still remember that day, when you took me to the festival." She looks at OC's face, sleeping peacefully as she continues to tell her story.

"It was one of the happiest days of my life, and I will never forget that day, even when I die."

"You know OC, everyone is prepared for you to wake up. Kaguya already made all the preparations for your welcome back party."'

"Shirogane is coming back from America to see you after you wake up, and your mother even took a break from working to see you wake up." She rubs circles on OC's hand as she speaks.

"When you wake up, I'll make you that chicken soup that you love so much. I'll make it for you every day after you wake up."

"We can do whatever you want, we can watch those scary videos on YouTube even if it scares me shitless."

"I'll even do all the house chores if you want me to."

"We can try out all those restaurants we always pass-by when we walk to our dorm."

"We can binge-watch all of those movies on our watchlist when you wake up."

"I'll stay with you, no matter what."  Hayasaka stays silent, admiring OC's facial features one more time before speaking.

"Don't worry OC, when you wake up from your surgery I'm going to give you the biggest hug you'll ever get from anyone." "S-So p-please," Hayasaka starts to feel tears well up in her eyes before she can complete her sentence.

"So please wake up."

Maid For You (Ai Hayasaka x OC) [Kaguya-Sama: Love Is War AU]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang