Chapter 35: Wait, You're Pregnant?!!

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It was a quiet day for OC and Hayasaka, there were no meetings to attend and Kaguya seemed content, albeit a bit overworked from preparations for the election.

They enjoy a comfortable silence together as Hayasaka tinkers away at what seems to be a new device.

"Having fun making that 'laptop hat'?" OC asks, peering over her shoulder and admiring her craftsmanship.

"Mhm." Hayasaka grumbles, clearly focused on the device. She sighs as she places the tools down and stretches her arms, knowing that their break wouldn't last long.

She sighs as she stands up, looking back at OC who has a devilish smile plastered on his face. She tilts her head in confusion as she waves her hand in his face.

"OC...? Everything alright?" She cautiously asks, not knowing what OC was thinking.

OC looks back at her, the devilish smirk he wore unchanging as he begins to speak, "You wanna know what would be funny?"

Hayasaka furrows her eyebrows in pure confusion and shakes her head no, "I can't say I do,"

OC chuckles and responds, "You're gonna love this."

— —

OC and Hayasaka cheerily march their way into Kaguya's room, not even caring to knock and simply barging in.

"How's the prep going, Kaguya-sama?" OC asks, looking around the room.

Kaguya looks up at the two from her desk before sighing. "Well...but I'm taking a break, this is terribly difficult," she admits, stretching her arms as she stands. "What are you both doing here?"

"Well, Kaguya-sama...the reason we came in is because we have something to tell you..." Hayasaka suddenly speaks, starting to twiddle with her hair and appear more timid than her usual calm self.

Kaguya's mood immediately shifts as her full attention is now on Hayasaka. With a stern voice, she asks, "What is it?"

Hayasaka takes in a deep breath, looking around and exhaling.

"Come on, Haya...just tell her," OC reassures, gently pushing her forward a bit. Hayasaka looks to OC eye-to-eye and forces a frown when OC winks at her.


Kaguya furrows her brows and almost jerks her head back in confusion, now folding her arms. A quick thought passes, Kaguya ignoring the fact at how close OC and Hayasaka seem. "You're scaring me. Just tell me what it is!"

"Actually..." Hayasaka feels her arms fall limp to her sides, and finally gives in. "I'm gonna need a break from my duties for a while."

Hayasaka hesitates when Kaguya takes a step towards her.

"You see...there's a bun in the oven, Kaguya-sama." Hayasaka looks down with a guilty expression, then slowly rubs circles on her abdomen.

"A what?" Kaguya tilts her head, eyeing the strange expression on Hayasaka's face. OC chokes and scratches the back of his head, staring off around Kaguya's neat and organized room.

"I said, I'm gonna need a break from my duties because there's a bun in the oven," states Hayasaka after clearing her throat.

Kaguya shakes her head a bit. "I don't quite understand what you mean, Hayasaka. A bun in the oven? I know that you can cook and bake well but why would a break from your duties be necessary—"

"—I'm pregnant, Kaguya-sama," Hayasaka deadpans.

OC covers his mouth, attempting to hold back a laugh when he sees Kaguya mouth an 'oh.'

"Wait, what?! What do you mean you're pregnant?!" Kaguya panickingly looks to OC, then to Hayasaka, and then back to OC. "Hayasaka, why?! How?! You should've been more careful! Stuff like this is dangerous, and now you're gonna need a break from your duties because you're pregnant!! I don't know why but I feel utterly betrayed!"

Hayasaka sadly sighs, her back slouching and OC rubbing her back gently with a somber expression. After Kaguya calms down a bit, she brushes strands of hair behind her ear and lets out a long and frustrated sigh.

"Well," Kaguya folds her arms and stomps her foot, "That explains why you've gotten fatter recently."

Hayasaka jolts her face forward, her mouth agape and eyes widened in disbelief of what had just come out of Kaguya's mouth. OC stifles in a laugh before finally hollering and holding his sides humorously.

"Kaguya-sama!" Hayasaka shouts, tightening her hands into fists.

OC finishes his laughing fit and almost inhumanly changes to a somber expression.

"Well...Kaguya-sama, I...also need a break from my duties," OC quietly mutters.

"Don't tell me you're pregnant too?!" Kaguya holds her face in her hands, absolutely dreaded.

"No, I'm..." a tear falls down OC's cheek when he closes his eyes, "...The father of Hayasaka's baby."

"I knew it!" Kaguya gags. "I knew it, I knew it, I knew it!" She pinches the bridge of her nose and shakes her head rapidly, now pacing around the room in disbelief.

"Yes..." OC holds a fist to his chest dramatically. "The storks notified us about it just a few days ago and we thought it would be the best idea to tell you now than never..."

Kaguya deadpans. "What on earth are you talking about?!"

OC finally gives in and laughs uncontrollably again, then runs his fingers through his hair. "Okay I can't keep this up anymore! It's just a joke, Kaguya-sama, Hayasaka isn't pregnant and I'm not a father...yet," OC looks at Hayasaka with a smug expression, exaggerating the "yet" in his confession.

"Yet?! You're planning on getting Hayasaka pregnant?!" Kaguya's brain starts to malfunction as her volume increases.

OC shrugs in response, neither confirming or denying her suspicions.

Moments pass after they continue clarifying their prank. Hayasaka exits the room first and keeps her gaze low, hearing OC follow behind with continuous snickers. When he catches up with Hayasaka, he wraps his arm around her shoulders and squeezes gently, commenting on how well they pulled off their prank.

"You did so good, Haya—that was way too much fun," OC chuckles. He stops their tracks when hearing no response from Hayasaka. Looking down towards Hayasaka, he moves her hair out of her face. "Oi...what's wrong?"

"Have I really been getting fat lately?" Hayasaka asks, holding her sides in attempt to hide her stomach. OC smiles warmly.

"Actually, you haven't. But I don't think it really matters, Haya. Your body is perfect the way it is, and I love everything about it. It's perfect for me, and it should be for you, too," OC reassures, patting Hayasaka's head.

He grins when Hayasaka looks him in the eye and smiles back. "Thank you, OC."

Results Of Today's Battle: Kaguya's Loss (Later Felt Guilty For Her Words)

Maid For You (Ai Hayasaka x OC) [Kaguya-Sama: Love Is War AU]Where stories live. Discover now