xxiii - lily of the valley

Start from the beginning

"One of the things that have been talked about is that kid, Phil.." She admits that made Phil lower his smile,

"Even the gods know well that reviving a mortal over and over again is something abnormal for a human being to obtain.." He murmurs, one could sense his tone has distaste when it comes to mentioning the fellow gods.

Kristin nods, "Yes, Dream XD has always been such a..well..he's difficult. He has done methods that enable humans to become 'gods'. One of the people that worships him has already abused that power..the ability to revive people."

Phil hums, plucking a pinkish purple flower amidst the snow,

"Two people being revived was already questionable enough, but doing it all over again..Oh Phil his poor soul-"

The avian looks up, "Oh my lily..you shouldn't have seen such horror.."

Kristin smiles at the cheesy nicknames, "I have never seen a soul so broken, so lost..I pity to see him every time he walks past from the living to the dead..It surprises me how he managed to survive this long.."

Phil chuckles, "Tommy's a strong kid, Kristin..I figure you tried to keep him safe whenever he's in limbo?"

That made Kristin laugh, like a child being caught doing crime. She has been scolded many times now for being too caring around souls, especially young ones, "I give the child my sympathy! I had no choice but to..to ask a few favours."

Her smile lowers, "No one minded the child, you see. It was an issue, but that's because of a mortal trying to play god, and not what Tommy has been through."

Phil shrugs, "That's just the typical gods being gods..Fearful of someone 'inferior' being equals to their 'supremacy.' Of course you're far better than the rest of them.." He teases that causes the goddess to giggle in the distance, "But you didn't have to do such things..you already have so much things to do.."

Kristin smiles a little, and tries to hold Phil's hands..yet knowing well he couldn't feel it, "You know me..It's the least I can do for the poor boy.."

The goddess of death gasps out of nowhere and Phil hears that, "Love? Kristin, are you alright?"

Kristin goes away for a moment to conclude what she just felt, "Phil..may I borrow your body for a moment?"

Phil furrows his brows in worry, getting up, "Kristin, what's going on?-"

"Phil, I have to get to your world, even for a little.."

The avian frowns, "Love...love, it's okay, alright? You can always do so. You love being out here. But it sounds like something's going on..and you have to tell me. I won't be able to get you inside my body if my heart is brimmed with worry of you.."

Kristin floats down and faces Phil, "Tommy is going to end his life. If he decides his life to be over, no spells nor revival books would ever make him return to the living."













Ivory - An Eburnean Tommy AUWhere stories live. Discover now