xix - his lily, her angel; his boo, his bee

Start from the beginning

"She's beautiful, isn't she?" Tommy cocks his head to the side in confusion,

"The light she shows, the glow and all..it's wonderful."

Still, the kid didn't really respond much to it which made Phil laugh, "I..have lost a lot of people in my life, Tommy. When you're an old man like me..you kind of outlive a lot of people..No matter how much you don't want them gone or love them with all your heart." Phil starts, his eyes fixated on the sky with a bittersweet smile plastered on his face,

"I miss someone really special, and she's..god she's just everything to me, Tommy. If only you knew how much she means to me." He laughs, a slight blush blooms on his face and the kid could notice it so well, how much he's so besotted to this certain woman,

"She was the most beautiful woman ever, both body, mind and soul. All the crows adored her and smitten by her existence, and when I first encountered her, so was I."

Tommy couldn't help but to shake, almost to the point that it looks like he's silently snickering, "Oh god, I'm not that cheesy, am I? There's no need for me to tell the story."

The kid frowns and shakes his head, putting a finger on his chin and presses it a few times, "Tell? You want me to keep telling you?" He nods, "Man, Tommy..that's really unlike you." Phil notices, but smiling anyways,

"Well, I'm not sure if there's much to say..."

The kid grabs his attention once more before pulling up a few signs. He just learned about them for this day so he was pretty new about all this.

The words as usual are incomplete but the way Tommy mouths the words off silently really helped, "When..you she meet? When did she and I meet eh? Let's see.."

He thinks for a moment and smiles, reminiscing the past, "It was a very long time ago, but the memories are far too fresh to me. I was supposed to die long ago you know, and people like me and Technoblade; one life cast out, we're already done for."

His tone has gone softer, peaceful in telling his tale, Tommy couldn't help but to listen, "I was badly wounded. My wings didn't make it and the fall could have been my demise. It ought to be my death..but she took pity on me..and spared my life."

He eyes the skies, with his ocean blue eyes twinkling, "Kristin, the goddess of death."


"Tell me I fucked up, Techno. Tell me I fucked up.." Tubbo managed to say through fits of sobs. Techno could only watch him with a straight face, hearing the storm outside,

"Even the gods have heard your tremor and adjusted, respectfully. That's something." He muses, indifferent on how to really comfort anyone.

It's not exactly his best forte, at least that's what makes him imperfect, "I shouldn't have said that..I shouldn't have said any of that.." He whispers under his breath.

Regret and guilt bruising his damaged heart more even to the point he couldn't breathe, "Ranboo would hate to see me like this..what I've become..what I've said...He'll never accept me again from treating his ghost like that."

Technoblade sighs heavily and eyes Tubbo with a glare, "Crying doesn't solve anything, Tubbo. If you really want to fix things, get your ass up and apologise to him."

He shakes his head, but did try to stop tearing up so much, "He won't forgive me, Techno...he won't...I told him he's better off dead...I want him gone and want Ranboo back.."

Frowning to see his friend like this, he continues talking him out of it, "For fuck's sake Tubbo, why on hell you'd say that to him?"

Tubbo sniffles, getting his composure back, "I don't really know anymore..I don't really know what I want to do with him..I hate him that he's not the same, I hate that he keeps reminding me about who I lost..I hate that he keeps comforting me like him, say things like him..smile like him...It hurts so much.."

Ivory - An Eburnean Tommy AUWhere stories live. Discover now