17. Go fetch - Angel

Start from the beginning

In the end, he decided to ignore the question.

"Ich habe dich etwas gefragt. Antworte!/ I have asked you something. Answer!" she growled and Angel felt how the cuff around his neck started to burn and constrict.

"What... Uhh, do you want to know?"

"Ist sie schöner? Mächtiger? Was macht sie besonders?/ Is she more beautiful? More powerful? Why is she special?"

"Beauty is generally in the eyes of the beholder but yes Mila is quite pretty," answered Angel rejoicing a bit in satisfaction about her irritated face. "Powerful... I suppose she is now since she has the power of a goddess. And you know, she is a really nice person; I bet that is what Erik liked the most about her, how she is selfless and caring and loved him and their child more than herself..." continued Angel calmly but quite spiteful in the undertone.

"Kind... Wann ist das passiert?/ Child... when did that happen?" asked Katharina and this time she seemed indeed affected.

Strangely she seemed to care about Erik, in a way at least. Probably only as her possession but it was still caring, considered Angel.

"It was on the first try. Dunno, probably because humans are better at breeding or it was particularly passionate, but who cares after all," answered Angel suppressing a smirk.

"Mensch... Sie ist menschlich? Er hat ein Kind mit einem Menschen gezeugt?/ Human.... She is human? He impregnated a human?" said Katharina with tears burning in her eyes and panting breath.

"Yeah... Love and shit like that, trashes all barriers... Ya know. Would you know? Dunno'?" But somehow Angel was amazed that she was actually crying.

He felt awkward. Sure as hell he didn't like her but it was no delight seeing anybody cry.

"Well... There, there. You had your time together and you were, you know, dead.
If you would love him, you would be happy that he found someone to love and all that."

It was not that Angel didn't mean what he was saying but he also felt the hypocrisy in the words. He was not happy for Michael. He would want to be but wasn't and there he was lecturing this woman.

Then again she just crawled out from the deepest pits of hell, so whatever.

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren in wenigen Minuten werde wir in Berlin Schönefeld landen. Vielen Dank dass Sie mit uns geflogen sind./ Dear passengers in a few minutes we are going to land on the Berlin Schönefeld airport. Welcome to Germany and thank you for choosing our airline.

They were in Europe and both of them were actually trying to find Mila, for completely different reasons but the reasons didn't matter for the time being.

Since it had been a goddess that put that curse on him, Angel thought that only a god can lift it and Mila was the only goddess he knew personally.

According to the faceless or face-full one he met, Mila was alive and on earth, but where? If he would be Mila and would come to earth who would she search for? Erik most certainly. It made sense. Seemingly gods weren't omniscient after all so she couldn't know he was dead.

That was his, as well as Katharina's conclusion. That was why they were in Europe.

"Wir müssen nach Bayern./ We have to get to Bavaria."

"What on earth should we do there?"

To say that Katharina didn't quite grasp the state of the world was an understatement. It was difficult enough to explain to her that Germany had lost the Second World War. Angel even went over himself to comfort her a bit, just to make her shut up.

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