CHAPTER 1- Just Another Day

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♡ Secrets I have held in my heart,
Are harder to hide than I thought,
Maybe I just wanna be yours,
I wanna be yours,
I wanna be yours...♡


It's five am right now... And because it's summer, it isn't very dark outside. I go to the kitchen and make myself a cup of coffee.
This one hour I spend with myself is very crucial for me, I need it. I watch the daybreak and an hour has just gone by... It's Monday and the busy life is back.
Just as I'm about to leave the kitchen and continue with my schedule; Vivaan walks in and hugs me tightly.

"Good morning."

We kinda had a huge husband-wife fit last night... You know the " verge of killing each other, screaming at top of our lungs" fight. I'm thrown off guard by his affection but decide to hug him back anyway.

"Good morning, Viv."

"I'm sorry for last night Siya... I shouldn't have yelled at you." He gives an unusual apology.

"It's fine." That's all I wanna say to end the conversation right now... This morning is too pretty to spoil picking up a fight with him again.

Vivaan and I have been married for five years now... He's a hardworking, attractive man but he has serious temper issues. I honestly hate him most of the time. It's a genuine nightmare for a woman of a 5'3 foot frame like me to look at a gigantic 6 feet tall, well-built man go screaming and breaking all the stuff he gets his eyes on... He rarely hurts me though... He just hit me once during the second year of marriage and was sorry for it, so I decided to forgive him. I know I shouldn't have but you know, you know... I walk back to the bedroom and make the bed, undraw the curtains, and allow the sunlight to come in through the window. Next, I go to Myra's room; she's five years old and my daughter is the best part of my life!!! She has dark brown hair, and rosy skin and hers are the most beautiful pair of dark brown eyes I've ever seen! Mine are brown too but her eyes hit differently... Anyway, it's her first day at Lower Kindergarten, and trust me, I'm so damn excited!!!! I open the curtains and whisper in her ears.

"Rise and shine my baby!!"

"Good morning mama... I want to see my new school!! When are we leaving?"

She immediately goes to the bathroom without waiting for my response, brushes her teeth and I go in to help her take a bath. We talk about things and sing poems together. I get her ready for school and then go and start making breakfast. It's getting late so- toast it is for everyone. Myra comes into the kitchen with her new storybook " Goldilocks And The Three Bears", and she starts reading it... Myra is a sharp child, she loves to read, and can recite about fifty poems in a go !!! She's gonna rock in her new school! Breakfast is ready. Vivaan walks in and says that I should go and get ready for the office. I just joined the bank as the Managing Director a week ago... Surprisingly, this is my first proper job. I wanted to invest some time in Myra's upbringing, so I decided to put the career thing on a break. Ruby, our house help, who is also Myra's caretaker has arrived. She's such a relief!!! I never have to worry about anything as long as I know she is at home.
We're running late, so I pack my breakfast and we all leave the house. It's eight am... Vivaan goes separately in his car, he too works in a bank, but at the CEO level... I go to the office in my car and today I have Myra to give me company. I drop her at school and I'm on my way to the bank.
I reach the bank around eight-thirty and walk into my cabin... It feels good to be in a place where you feel valued and important, my cabin door has a nameplate that reads, "Ms. Siya Mehra - Managing Director". How awesome is it!!!! My cabin has a huge desk made up of cherry wood and a big chair, there is a giant bookshelf across the wall behind my desk, some are related to work and the others are mine... The space is majestic!!!! I love it!!! Honestly, this being my first job, I am taking time to learn and adjust to work life. It isn't easy, especially when we consider the post I work for... The second-highest in the organization, globally. But, my colleagues are amazing, they are helpful, patient and giving... The cherry on the cake, you know!!!
I start working and there is a hell lot of work. I was told that they want me to get used to the way things work and they'll take it slow for me... Long story short- The work I am referring to as " hell lot of work" is the work I've been given after reducing the workload. But, I'll eventually get the hang of it. I hope I do. I finish up and take a look at my phone, twelve-fifteen it shows!!! And six missed calls from Vivaan and two missed calls from Ava, my best friend since my college days... I love her so much!! We barely get to talk these days... Going back to Vivaan, I call him.

"Siya!!! Where the hell are you?!?!? Do you even know what time it is?? Twelve twenty!! And why weren't you picking up?? When will you be back? You have a child to take care of, I shouldn't have allowed you to work..." He starts throwing crap at me. I wish I could punch him.

"There was a lot of work, so I was busy. I'm leaving right now, bye." I simply reply and cut the call.

By the time I reach home, both of them are sleeping peacefully in Myra's room. I clean up the mess they've created in the drawing room, text Ava that I'll call her once I get time, fill the water bottles, eat the leftover toast, and go to bed, I stare at the empty side of the bed, where Vivaan is usually lying beside me and a relieved smile crawls to my lips for reasons best known to me. I shift to the middle of the bed, spread myself on the mattress like an amoeba, and fall asleep with a lazy smile on my face. The silence in the room feels like music, the way I lay down on the bed with my guard down after years feels incredible.

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