16. Anyone - Samira

Start from the beginning

The calm of her voice frightened Samira. That girl was strange, strangely mature even if she looked barely a teenager.

"How old are you?"


So indeed a teenager.

"Was it before Sanjay became Alpha better or worse?" Samira tried to find something to show the girl her life was not how it was supposed to be. Though she never heard about Kiril being a remarkable leader neither did she hear the opposite.

"You mean with the white devil? I couldn't tell, our pack was secluded from the rest of the Asian packs. We were in an open conflict with him because it was master's right to lead Asia and he took it away from him."

"And why didn't he fight him? You know to win the lead back? Kiril was almost a kid when he took over the pack, twenty or so, just a few years older than you."

Samira couldn't help but show a small malicious smile.

"I, I don't know."

"Of course, but you can think about it when you go to sleep tonight."

The girl just turned away and sighed again. She was doing that a lot.

If that isn't a sign of depression...

If she was going to become Sanjay's Luna he could at least not command her but she would likely spend her life as breeding stock in chains. Death was a much better alternative than that life.

And Saraunyia? What is he going to do with her? For sure nothing good, mistreat her, maybe sell her off to the highest bidder because she was still the blood of a century-old lineage and a mage.

Mila, Selene, whoever, please help me.

Even after the desperate prayer, the heaves remained silent and as always in her life, Samira felt it in her bones that she couldn't hope for help from anyone but herself.

He is not going to kill me, he said that and somewhere along the long, disgraceful, and painful way I have in front of me, I will be able to have my revenge. One day.

Despite all the misery, the wolfsbane was stronger and she drifted into a heavy sleep plagued with awful dreams.

Erik was in her dreams. Strangely he was with Kiril and they were surrounded by monsters, bloody shadow creatures that wanted to feed on their souls and there was someone else there, a monster with a human face that was smiling watching their torment.

Erik, Erik is dead but it feels as if he isn't. It feels like he is suffering like being alive. Erik, where the fuck are you?

Surviving. She had to survive so she could kill him and get back what was hers.

As the girl predicted, he came just the next day, after dusk. His heavy, grossly sweet perfume could be sensed from afar and it made Samira nauseous.

He didn't come alone, Kiera and Yarran entered the room shortly after. Kiera. Samira was certain at that point that she would provide a gruesome death to her if ever given the opportunity. Her betrayal had been deep and hurtful as it always is with someone you actually trusted.

"I need to prepare, my love. We have a long night before us."

Samira ignored him completely.

"Why did you come, treacherous bitch? To watch me suffer?" she said to Kiera. "I had some time to think what might be wrong with you and the conclusion was that you are either completely stupid and delusional or really hate me. I did wonder why? I have never been mean or cruel to you so only stupid remained. You doomed us all."

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