"Oh, Inarizaki High." M/N answered swiftly.

"Inarizaki? Oh, their volleyball team is pretty good on the national high school level." Daichi uttered out.

"You better go check them out okay M/N?!" Nishinoya grabbed onto M/N's shoulders.

"Of course, I will." M/N nodded, extremely determined in getting close to the Inarizaki volleyball team members, a certain captain being the top priority.

"Wait was that why you were called to the office the other day Akiri?" Yamaguchi asked, looking curiously at the ravenette.

"Yeah. Honestly, I thought I was in trouble." M/N smiled rubbing the back of his nape awkwardly while Hinata was still attached to him.

"Why? Were you worried? You hadn't done anything, have you?" Suga questions.

"Eh?!" M/N looked towards the gym lights as he pretended to not know anything.

Seeing M/N's guilty look, Tanaka praised, "M/N?! Wow. I never knew you had the guts, good job!"

"I guess Akiri wasn't that good of a student after all. Ha ha ha ha." Tsukishima laughed mockingly.

Ignoring Tsukishima, Ennoshita changed the topic, "When do you leave?"

"Oh, next week."

"That quick?" Suga looked surprised for a moment.

"It's like the start of May next week! So you'll be missing the Nekoma match?!" Kageyama panics.

"Mhm. Sadly I would miss it, sorry." M/N nodded.

"Ah. That's quite alright. So how long would you be gone for though?" Daichi inquires, already planning on how to handle the team with M/N temporarily leaving.

"I was told it should be for about one to two months. I'm not very clear on that." M/N shook his head.

"HAH?!" Tanaka looked alarmed for a minute, before everyone else's faces turned pale as well.

"M/N, will you not be around for Interhigh??!!!" Kageyama was about to have a full-on meltdown.

M/N smiled apologetically, "I might miss it, sorry." M/N did a small bow.

"No, no it's alright. We'll do our best without you either way." Daichi gave a pat on M/N's shoulder, reassuring him.

"You bet we will! M/N don't worry!" Hinata exclaimed as he hopped off M/N with a full look of determination.

"Ah, thank you so much for understanding!" M/N grinned while everyone piled for a group hug as Coach Ukai walked into the gym wondering why everyone was looking so sentimental(to which we all know Keishin would freak out once he knew that he would be one member less during the Nekoma match).


"YOU'RE LEAVING MIYAGI??!! NOOO M/N-CHAN!" Oikawa looked stricken as he grasped onto M/N hugging him as though it was his last day on earth.

Iwaizumi sprouted an irk mark as he grabbed onto Oikawa, forcefully ripping him away from M/N.

"Yah, Shittykawa, give him some space will you?" Iwaizumi chided, though unusually red in the face.

Iwaizumi's mind constantly wanders to that very moment in his bedroom. And now, especially when that very specimen of his dreams was right in front of his face, Iwaizumi could hardly control himself. If it weren't for the upsetting need that M/N had brought, Iwaizumi didn't know what kind of deeds he would do.

"Thank you, Iwa." M/N dusted himself off as he thanked Iwaizumi for prying Oikawa off him.

"So as I was saying, I will not be in Miyagi for about one to two months depending. I've been selected to participate in a student exchange program. So I will be travelling to the Hyogo Prefecture, attending Inarizaki as a temporary student there." M/N nodded to himself as he spoke, ignoring the look that Oikawa was giving him as Oikawa's face got progressively more and more depressed.

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