Chapter 43: The White Fang

Start from the beginning

At the girls outburst of questions, Nix and Neyah turned to one another and then swiftly turned back to Weiss and nodded their heads, "yes/yeah." Just like that, the problem was resolved for the lovers. They knew that she had done no wrong and even if she did, she was remorseful about it which to the twins was more than enough for atonement.

Weiss was still shocked and she looked to her prince for answers, but he simply shrugged his shoulders and gave her an 'I told you so' look, but even then she honestly couldn't even get passed the first thing that Neyah said, so she sparked up another question, asking, "how did you both know about the continuation of Slavery after its abolishment? Even my mother didn't know when she was about to become the official Heir."

"Well duh, of course we know, it's literally the reason why our Clan made the White Fang in the first place. Everything on the main continent was a shit show for the Faunus, so the Panthera clan made a super edgy, undercover, fuckin ninja team called the White Fang to kill the bad people and free the captive Faunus."

"I fucking knew it! The instant I heard Willow say that some mysterious group was going around freeing all the slaves I knew that it had to be the goddamn White Fang, the original White Fang rather. Now all I really need to know is how it got so... un-undercover and become such a large and vocal organization. And even though they knew about the Faunus being still enslaved they still didn't even flinch for a moment, but I guess it makes sense since this is their reality." 

"It is the truth that they grew up knowing even though the rest of the world thought it was completely false, not possible to be true. It's like the Remnant equivalent of telling a black person that police brutality is a thing, the reaction is simply gonna be 'no shit' " he thought as he continued listening to the girls explanations.

"Although that was the main objective, they also simply kept a look out for the Faunus on the main continents as a whole, making safe havens for us to stay, campaigning for civil rights using humans as covers, and doing favors for villages so they saw Faunus in a better light." 

"They did all this in the name of expanding the range that we could be excepted far beyond just our tiny little island, but after the Schnee's caught wind of the dangers of having slave mines on the continents and since the mines were beginning to dry up anyway, in mass they began transporting Faunus to the mountains where they setup far more mines than before, using just as much Faunus slave labor." 

"Obviously, the White Fang tried to stop it, but it was far too large scale, so instead we tried to take the much louder approach. Announcing the White Fang organization to the Faunus public, recruiting as many members as possible, and taking down as many transport vessels as we could, but it didn't do much and eventually all the Faunus were gone, and we were left with only one real choice which was to use our voice as a means to get our people back."

Where Nix left off, Neyah quickly picked up saying, "and you see where the fuck that left us. Discriminated, hated, and Faunus-less. As the White Fang grew the Panthera Clan didn't really want it anymore, so they instilled an election to let whoever wanted to be lead, be voted in and it was around that time where the White Fang became what it is now." 

"A group with good morals, fighting for a great cause, but with barely any effect. The White fang only went public for the sake of stopping the enslavement once and for all with one final push to stop the Humans from taking our people, but now that there all up in the un-scalable mountains of whatever the fuck the mountains are called, aint no hope left."

"I don't think that there is no hope left" their lover said as he spoke up from behind Weiss. "Honestly, I think it'll be a breeze to set every Faunus free, transport them all to safety, show the world how horrible it is to treat other intelligent life this way simply for being born differently, like its Bloody Sunday in 1965, and change the world for the better." 

The Awakened One, Book 1: RemnantWhere stories live. Discover now