Chapter 39: Mirror Mirror

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The sight of these men gave them the expression that these were the top of the top, the strongest men in the organization that were the only ones permitted to wear such expensive garbs, and had Willow not known better she would've thought the same thing, but she was privy to the images and videos that were sent to her husband making her all hyperconscious of the fact that these were the lowest of the low. 

She then glanced over to her daughter to make sure that she was holding up alright and she saw her gripping tightly to her rapier's handle, but otherwise remaining visually calm. Before she could officially check up on her, another man walked out from the glass doors, and he had on a matching Black hat to fit with the rest of his red outfit, and he was the clear leader of this pack of ten men as when he exited, he was given a quick, unified salute from the men.

"Captain!" They shouted at once, but he quickly put them at ease with a single movement of his wrist, and after that he quickly walked down the steps to welcome the duo to the establishment.

"Hello Mrs. Schnee, Miss Schnee, and welcome to Hel's Kitchen, the home and headquarters of our Clan Chief and Mistress" the man said as he tipped his hat off to the two women. "My name is, well, not important, but my men and I will be leading you to those who's names are important. If you would please follow me-"

"Wait." Weiss suddenly decided to speak up, cutting off the man mid-sentence, and catching the attention of everyone present including her mother.

"Yes Miss Schnee? I can't say I can answer many questions, but I guess I'll try my best, so what's up?"

"I am unaware as too the operations and organization of your little gang, so if you could explain what exactly your position, as far as hierarchy goes, is that'd be great." Weiss didn't ask the man a question, she gave the man a command and also did so in a manner fit of a Schnee, but also was disrespectful as fuck towards him.

The entire mood around the men switched up suddenly as their unmoving, soldier like, blank forward stares stopped to turn to the woman that had directly disrespected one of their own. However, before any of them could act, the Captain raised his hand to get them back in line. 

He then quickly cleared his throat before starting with, "sorry Miss Schnee, but we don't take too kindly to disrespect around here. If you wanted to know my Rank, you could've just asked, but since you are our honored guests, I'll answer regardless. I am a captain and these ten are the Acolytes that I have been assigned to watch over. Above me are the Seven Deadly Sins, and about them are the Elites, and finally at the very top are the Devil and Hel, aka the Chief and his Mistress."

Weiss immediately scoffed as she heard the name of the leader of this 'gang', "The Devil? What an idioti-"

Before she was able to finish her words, her mother quickly stepped in, putting her arm in front of her daughters mouth to stop her from speaking and quickly talk over her comments, "I apologize for my daughters sudden outburst. She is still learning the proper mannerisms to approach an exchange such as this with, so if you'd please excuse her actions, I'd be very grateful" Willow quickly saved the exchange with the apology, only slightly lowering her head to the man as a sign of sincerity.

"For all of us here, I'll accept your apology. Now, I'd love to show you both inside as I am sure that you are very tired of standing outdoors, so please follow me." Willow followed the man with a smile as the first five red suits walked out in front of the Schnee duo with the other five walking behind them. 

Willow slowly lowered her arm from Weiss's mouth and before her daughter could have another outburst, she quickly hushed her with a glare, showing her the seriousness of their current situation. Weiss was irritated at first, but as they walked through the marble hallways of the building and came upon the massive central room, she soon came to understand why her mother gave her the look.

The Awakened One, Book 1: RemnantUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum