Chapter 21: Written in the roses

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Ring Ring Ring! Amelia bolted up looking for her phone to find she was still sitting on the couch. She brushed the sleep from her eyes and answered sleepily "Hello?"

"Happy Valentine's day!" Jacob yelled from the other side of the phone. "I know it's still kinda early but I couldn't wait to talk to my girlfriend on Valentine's day."

She looked around and saw no sign that Matt was home. In her lap was the book read cover to cover. "Happy Valentine's Day Jacob. So I assume as you called and are really excited you got a plan for today."

"Yep, you know me too well. I will be by your house in a bit to pick you up for breakfast if that is ok?" Jacob asked.

Amelia brushed the sleep out of her eyes "Um, would you mind giving it a little longer? I may have been up really late last night, I couldn't sleep with everything. I stayed up and read a new book at once."

Jacob was quiet for a moment before saying "Of course. What did you mean with everything? Did something happen?"

She smacked herself on the forehead realizing her mistake. "Ya, yesterday was a day alright. I went out with Matt in the morning and he took away Mr. French's van, got a new book, and then we went back to the shop. The back door was open. Someone robbed the place yesterday while we were out."

Amelia took a breath to keep from getting emotional as she said "My room and a lot of my stuff was ruined and the upstairs is kinda a disaster. Emma came as someone called it in. She found our stuff later yesterday and Matt went to go pick it up. I read the book and fell asleep."

"Oh my god are you alright!? You didn't get hurt or anything did you? I'm bringing breakfast to you. See you in half an hour." Jacob hung up.

Amelia looked around and hung her head in defeat. There was no stopping Jacob from coming over. He loved taking care of her when she needed it and Amelia knew she needed it now. She began to clean up the living room as much as she could.

With far too much stuff uncleaned, Jacob knocked on the door. "Lia, it's me!" She walked down the stairs and opened the back door for him. Jacob stood there in his letterman jacket, jeans, and a white T-shirt.

Amelia looked down and saw she was wearing the same wrinkled clothes from yesterday. An embarrassed blush crept into her face as she said. "Give me like three min to change. You can go upstairs and chill in the living room." She started walking toward her room but Jacob stopped her by grabbing her hand.

"Woah woah woah. You can't leave without a hug." he pulled her into a tight hug as he whispered into her ear "Happy Valentine's day, Lia. I'm gonna make this the best day ever for you, just you wait." He tried to give her a kiss on the lips but she moved so he kissed her cheek.

"You can have a kiss after a change and brush my teeth. It's been a busy morning, Jacob. I will be right back." They split apart and she ran to see what clothes she still had in her room that were clean and undamaged.

She looked in the box from her mom and was relieved to see everything was still intact. Well, they aren't really from my mom. She thought to herself as she looked around the box. They are from Amelia's mom. Not Alice's mom. Amelia shook her head. She didn't have time to think about the curse or what it implied for other things. Right now she had Jacob and Valentine's Day to think about.

Amelia pulled out a red dress from the box and held it up to herself. It had tank top sleeves and fell right about to her knee. She slipped it on and glanced in her mirror. She looked a lot better. Amelia found a pair of black leggings and put them on under the dress along with black ankle boots. She quickly brushed her hair and put it in an easy bun. She found a necklace left in her jewelry box and put it on. It was a simple gold leaf. Satisfied with how she looked she put on her light gray sweater and walked upstairs.

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