Chapter 71: A Giant Problem

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Hope walked into Granny's later that morning. "Long time no see," Ruby told her with a yawn. "What can I get you? Maybe a very large coffee for your favorite werewolf?" She joked.

"Actually I was gonna ask if you wanted to come with me to check on Belle. She doesn't remember anything and she is all alone. I just wanna see if she's ok. But yeah, I'll order a large coffee to go and a half coffee, half hot chocolate to go." Hope said.

Ruby smiled and called to Granny, "I'm going out for a bit! I'll be back soon! Come on, I can bring some of Belle's favorites with us."

Hope held up a basket in her hand. "Already got it covered, Her favorite book, along with Papa's orange cranberry muffins. She can't resist them."

Laughing Ruby said, "The Dark One bakes? That just made him way less scary. I'll get those drinks and an iced tea for Belle."

Soon the two of them walked into the hospital. Hope sighed as she saw Belle snuggled into a chair in a yellow optical gown staring blankly at the TV in front of her. "Hey," Ruby told her softly. "You don't remember us, do you?"

"I'm sorry, no I don't." Belle told them with a shake of her head.

Hope sat down in the chair next to her with the basket in her lap. "I'm Hope, and this is Ruby."

Ruby nodded and explained, "You used to come into my Granny's dinner a lot. Before. Anyway, we thought you could use some comfort from home. Hope grabbed you your favorite book, Her Handsome Hero, apparently, it sounds very different than the book is."

Belle slowly took the book and looked at it. "Thank you. Were... were we really friends?"

Hope nodded. "Yeah, you and Ruby were best friends. She was the one that inspired you to open up the library again. And I, you were really close to my Papa."

Sitting up more Belle turned to look at them. "Then, tell me the truth. Before I was brought here, I was hurt. I was bleeding, then this man came... and he healed me. Then I saw him hold a ball of fire in his hands." Her voice dropped to a whisper as she asked, "How? How is that possible?"

Ruby quickly smiled at her and took her hands. "The nurses said that the tranquilizers can give you wicked nightmares."

"No. I know what I saw." Belle told them desperately. She stood up and took a step away from them. "And I don't want more tranquilizers or..."

"Belle-" Ruby started but she was cut off.

"Don't call me that. Why does everyone keep calling me that? I don't-" started getting worked up.

One of the nurses walked by and held Belle, "take it easy," she said giving her a tranquilizer.

Hope covered her mouth in surprise as Ruby asked, "Has she been like this the whole time?"

"More or less. We've had to keep her heavily sedated." She told Ruby as she helped Belle up. "Ok, let's get you back to bed. There we go."

Both of them were so worried about Belle, that they didn't notice another patient walking over to them. "Everything ok in here?" The stranger asked.

Hope nodded. "Yeah sorry. Our friend lost her memories, she gets worked up a lot apparently. But she is going to be alright. How are you, Sir?"

He watched as Belle walked away. "No need to call me sir, Mr. Mendell, is fine. But I'm much improved, thanks for asking."

"Then rest up," Ruby told him with a smile. "Sooner you're better, the sooner you're free of our quiet little town." they both walked out to the parking lot and Ruby sighed. "Poor Belle. I can't believe it."

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