Chapter 11: Welcome to Storybrooke

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"Where is he!" someone yelled slamming the door open, waking Amelia. Regina stormed in followed by Dr. Wales. "I told you he wasn't here." he told her, looking nervously at her. "What's going on?" Amelia asked sleepily. She glanced at the clock, it was around two in the morning.

"Where is Henry? He told me he was coming to see you and would be home in an hour. He never came home." Amelia bolted upright wanting to go look for him. "Amelia, you have to stay here and rest." Wales commanded her. "I have cleaned myself up from this every week for I don't even know how long. I am fine to go look for Henry. When was the last time you saw him? Yesterday he left here at like seven thirty."

"He left to get the things for you from Mr. Gold at five fifteen. That was the last time I saw him. I have Sheriff Graham looking everywhere for him." Regina told her with a worried look on her face. "Let her go look. She knows the boy very well. I'm sure she will find him." Everyone turned to see her uncle standing in the doorway.

"Thank you Matt. Now can someone get me out of this?" Amelia asked, looking at the doctor. Within the hour Amelia was out with Matt and a flashlight looking for Henry. "Where would the boy go?" he asked her, glancing at her. She looked fine, that's what made him nervous. She had been stabbed and looked no worse for it.

"I have a couple of ideas. Henry wouldn't want you to come with me. It's kinda just his and my place. I will meet you back home in an hour." Matt nodded. He pulled out something from his pocket. A small sheath. Amelia opened it to relive a small knife. There was a silver handle with tan leather wrapped around it. The blade had 'Hope' engraved on the base.

"In case something happens." he told her. Amelia held the blade in her hand, her hand fit perfectly around the hilt like it was made for her. Henry's theory about everyone being someone else came to her mind. Maybe this was made for me. She shook her head; this was no time for nonsense.

"Thanks Matt, but I doubt I will need it." she slipped the sheath around her waist so it was hanging on her side. Matt nodded and walked back to his car. Amelia took off towards Henry's castle. She stopped when she got to it, the last place she was stabbed.

"For Henry," Amelia whispered to herself. She walked over to it and found nothing. She looked all around the park enjoying the mist and the cool night air. No sine of Henry. After an hour of looking everywhere she could think of she found nothing. Amelia went back home. "I'm back! No sine of him!" Amelia called to her uncle. He walked out of the back room. "Let's go then." they walked to the car and drove back to the hospital. Before they got inside Amelia handed him back the knife.

"Did you find him?" Regina asked them as soon as they walked in. "Nothing. I looked in all his normal places. I'm sorry. We will find him, don't worry." Amelia said as she laid back down so Dr. Wales could reattach to the machines. "Do we really need all this stuff? I'm always fine in a couple of days." Amelia complained.

"Well, did you have surgery every week? You need time to rest. You will be here for a while. We can't be sure what will happen with the wound as it was opened in the same place every week." Dr. Wales told her, looking down at her chart.

Amelia knew she should have kept her mouth shut but she said "Actually I did most times over the last maybe year and a half." She turned to Matt. "That was why I wanted the sewing needles and the flesh colored thread."

Her uncle was speechless for once. "Hook her back up. You need proper rest time. It is a little different sewing yourself up in your room and having a doctor give you surgery. You will stay here for eight weeks like the doctors tell you. Now rest." Gold commanded her.

Regina left and Dr. Wales reattached her to the machines. Amelia and her uncle didn't say anything. The doctor left them alone after she was finished. "I know you want to help find the boy but you must stay here." he placed a small blue glass bottle with a cork on top on her bedside table. "Drink this. You will be out for a while, but you will feel better." Amelia removed the cork and drank it, it tasted like basil.

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