Chapter 54: Stranger found

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Hours later night fell and Aurora and Hope watched Snow come back with a large pile of firewood. "Mulan has been gone a long time. I hope she is alright." Aurora wondered.

"I can go look for her. As long as you swear to keep hidden." Hope volunteered, wanting to look around a bit. As nice as Aurora was, it was like walking with a baby deer. She truly was helpless in the woods. Aurora nodded and Hope walked into the woods looking for the solder.

A gunshot ran out and Hope slapped her hand on her forehead. "How did I fall for that? Of course, Aurora had to do something. Now I'm sure Emma just tried to shoot her." Sprinting she ran to the clearing. "What did you do!" Hope yelled making them turn to look at her.

Something large moved in the woods. "Ogres?" Emma asked at the roar.

"Run!" Mary Margaret screamed as everyone took off away from the sound. Everyone sprinted as fast as they could through the forest. The ogre continued to chase after them. "Split up!" She yelled to everyone.

Mulan and Aurora ran one way while Hope Mary Margaret and Emma want another way. They ran down a hill looking for a spot to hide. "Over there." Mary Margaret said pointing at a spot with her bow.

Hope jumped over a small hole in the ground as she ran. When she looked back she saw Emma was gone. "Emma!" She yelled as Mary Margaret turned around.

Both of them pulled out their bows and ran back. "Aim for its eyes!" Mary Margaret instructed as they saw Emma right in front of the Ogre. It was on all fours growling at her.

Mary Margaret whistled to get its attention. "Back away from my daughter!" She yelled from behind it. Both of them pulled out an arrow and aimed for a second before firing.

Each one of their arrows hit it in the eye. It screeched and stumbled backward before falling to the ground, dead.

Hope pulled out her arrow and wiped it off on the ground. "Honestly thought it would be harder to kill."

Emma walked over to the two of them shocked as she held her destroyed gun. "You have to shoot them in the eye." Mary Margaret told her.

"When was the last time you guys shot an arrow?"

"The day the curse started, so twenty-eight years ago. It's just like riding a bike." Hope told Emma as she put her arrow away.

"Yeah," Emma said breathing heavily. "But how did you know you could hit that?"

"I didn't. Next time listen to me." Mary Margaret replied.

Hope looked around at the woods. "We should find the others. Safety in numbers right?"

The three of them found Mulan standing guard over Aurora while she sat on a log. "I have dealt with her. Let's move on." She told them.

After a while Mary Margaret said, "We're getting close." Mulan led the way with her torch, followed by Mary Margaret then Emma, Hope, and Aurora. The princess got stuck again on a branch as they walked.

"Aurora, you've got to keep up." Mulan said not even looking back.

"Sorry, but I'm not exactly dressed for the woods." She snapped back. "It's cold out here."

"Then maybe you should have listened to me and stayed back. Both of you should have." Mulan called back.

Taking pity on her Hope passed her jacket to Aurora. "Go on take it. I'm used to being in the woods. And holding up your skirts a bit will help you walk."

"Thank you. But I tried to kill your friend." Aurora mumbled. Hope had been caught up on what happened while she was away.

Hope gave her a half smile. "I know you did. But now I at least know why. If our positions were reversed, I think I would have done the same thing."

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