Chapter 35: Meeting of the Dreamers

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Amelia woke up to the ever-irritating sound of her alarm clock. She moved her arm in the direction of the stupid sound a few times before she managed to hit the clock and stop the beeping. As she crawled out of bed she remembered the breakfast with the dreamers that morning and got a burst of energy.

She grabbed a pair of jeans, a white long-sleeve shirt with some black swirls on it, and elastic at the cuffs. Amelia brushed her hair, surprised it was long enough for her to slip it into a small ponytail. Grabbing her tennis shoes and her charm bracelet from Henry she headed to the Above where Matt was sipping his morning coffee.

"Good morning Dear. Excited for your Dreamers thing?" he asked, taking a sip of his black iced coffee.

Amelia nodded, making herself some toast with strawberry jelly and Nutella, so it tasted like a chocolate-covered strawberry. "You bet. It's gonna be great getting everyone together. It should last for maybe an hour so when you look around August's room, make it quick. I don't think you wanna get caught. Good luck with that, you will only have a small time gap to get in and out. He is picking up Henry and dropping him off at home again."

Matt nodded in thanks. "And I suppose that it was your planning that got me that time? Playing a bit for both sides?"

She told him once her mouth was empty. "Says you. You play all the sides and make up a few of your own. I am trying to help whoever will get Emma to believe the fastest. I swear she is more stubborn than you. I just needed to find Henry a ride as I couldn't pick him up. August seemed like a better option considering that he never met Jefferson before. I gotta run, love you. Ruby will be coming in at like four so I can go with you after." Amelia grabbed her coat and her keys before heading outside.

Once she got to Granny's it was a slow morning. Emma came in not long after her shift started for coffee and donuts. She saw a few other people the morning she knew but was excited when she saw the door open and in walked Henry and August.

"Morning guys!" Amelia told them as they sat down at the counter. "We got one more person coming in. Jefferson should be here soon."

August turned to her and asked, "And who is he? Henry didn't mention him yesterday. I thought it was just us."

"I'm known for many different things, a portal jumper, a father, a mushroom seller. But I'm most known for my hatting." Jefferson said as he sat down next to Henry. He looked at her and asked, "Is this them? The other Dreamers." Amelia could see the joy in his eyes once he said that, even if his face was still his mask of calm and cool.

"Yep. I'm Henry. This is August." Henry told him, holding out his hand.

Tentatively Jefferson shook it, still not used to many people talking to him. "Right."

"Nice to meet you, I'm August. So how did you meet Amelia?" August asked the other adult, grabbing a menu even if he had eaten here many times and got the same thing.

"We met when Emma and I went out on a little adventure to find a lost dog. He needed Emma's help with something and I happened to be there so I was along for the ride. But if we are right I knew him long before the curse." Amelia told him quickly.

Jefferson picked up a menu and blandly said. "I pretended to get hit by Alice's car, and then she and the Savoir took me back to my house. I locked them up along with Mary Margaret. I made Emma make me a new hat so I could go to Wonderland to try and get something to help Emma break the curse. Me and Amelia talked for a while and she passed a test my daughter and Alice would solve. And then Mary Margert kicked me out a window."

August stared at Jefferson shocked. Then he turned to Amelia. "He kidnapped you? And you invited him to breakfast?"

Shaking her head she told him, "One, he meant to kidnap Emma, not me. Two he never hurt us, well other than drugging the tea. Third, he is a good guy, like a lot of people, even you, he had good intentions. Just maybe not going about them the right way. I trust him. He was once my friend and is again. Plus you have made a few mistakes in your past too, so no judgment. Now, what do you guys want to eat?"

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