Chapter 1: Welcome to Neverland

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Seven year old Hope was pushed into her room, her sixteen year old brother tumbling in after her. "Stay here you ungrateful brats!" Their father yelled to them. He slammed the door shut and locked the door behind him.

Felix walked over to his sister, his blond choppy hair falling over his eyes. "You alright, Hope?" He asked her, moving her long brown hair out of her face. Tears pooled in her eyes as she reached out to hug her brother, the only person who ever seemed to cared about her.

"Fe, why is daddy so mean to us? We didn't do anything." She asked him. Felix picked her up and sat with her at the window bench by their window. He didn't know how to explain to his sister that their father was a drunk who blamed Hope for the death of his wife.

She got ill not long after Hope was born, their father wanted to give Hope away so they could have more money to spend on medicine. Her mother told him no, she always wanted a daughter and would not give her up for anything, not even her own life.

"I don't know Hope." He looked out the window, looking at the night sky. An idea formed in his head. "We can't stay here Hope. We have to leave and never come back." She looked at her brother.

"Where would we go?" She sniffled.

He opened the window and took a couple steps back, his sister following him. "I heard some kids talk of a place where we would never grow up, there are no adults and we could do whatever we wanted. Anything is possible there we could be royalty or pirates or whatever." He told her.

She grabbed his hand. "It sounds the bestest! How do we get there Fe?"

"Like this." He looked out the window at a star, the second star to the right. "I believe." They waited for a moment till something started coming at them. Felix took a step forward to greet it as Hope took a step backwards. A shadow of a person with bright white eyes flew into their bedroom and looked at Hope. She glanced back at him, Hope found it scarry and amazing. a shadow without a person.

The shadow turned to Felix and held out his hand to her brother. He grabbed the shadows hand and walked to the window. Felix looked at Hope. "When you are sixteen and you can't take it anymore, do what I did. I will come with the shadow to come get you and take you to Neverland." The shadow flew out the window taking her brother away.

Hope cried for her brother as she reached her arm out the window. "FE! Come back!" She screamed at the top of her lungs. Her father who was passed out didn't hear his daughter's screams. Hope sat down on her brother's bed and sobbed, knowing she was alone in the world now.

When Hope's father came up the next afternoon to unlock the door he saw Hope sleeping on her brother's bed and Felix nowhere to be found. "Where is he?!" He yelled, waking her up.

She looked down at the ground not wanting to meet his gaze. "He's gone," She whispered.

"What! Where did he go?" He yelled, grabbing her arm pulling her closer.

"A shadow came and took him." She whimpered. He spat in her face and slammed the door shut and locked the door again.

That was Hope's life for nine years. "That's what you get you lazy, good for nothing, waste of space!" Her father yelled at her. He shoved her to the ground. He slammed the door and locked it, as he did almost every day. She curled her knees up to her chest and buried her head. The last words of her brother rang in her head "When you are sixteen and you can't take it anymore, do what I did. I will come with the shadow to come get you and take you to Neverland."

Hope never called the shadow, not knowing what would happen when she did. Hope opened the window and looked at the second star to the right. Am I willing to lose everything I know for a chance at something better? She asked herself. Hope opened a small panel on the floor, a place to hide stuff Felix showed her. Hope pulled out a backpack she had packed if she was ready to leave.

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