Chapter 16: Discovery

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A/N hey everyone, I am REALLY sorry I haven't been updating. I have school now so its harder for me to update stuff. I am currently rewatching the show so I can make the plot for later chapters. I am at season 3 episode 15 I think. I just wanna say I'm sorry for not posting once more. I am trying to get better at posting new chapter sooner.

On her first Friday back at school Amelia was getting very jittery at the end of the day. That was when the Evil Four would find her. She finished up choir and art trying not to freak out. Jacob was there like always and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. "Hey, nothing's gonna happen. I got you, Lia. Now let's get out of here. It's the weekend!" He grabbed Amelia's hand and they ran through the hallways laughing. They were out of breath from running and laughing by the time they got to his truck. They had taken turns driving to school. "Ya. Wanna go to Granny's for our Friday cake? I have Henry tomorrow overnight so I won't be able to hang out." Jacob started driving over to Granny's "Hey, here's a crazy idea. Maybe when I bring you guys pizza like I do every weekend it may be the end of my shift and I hang out with you guys a bit? Henry is so important to you. I wanna get to know him."

Amelia thought for a second. "I have to ask Henry and Regina. I know that our time together is really important for Henry. He is like my little brother. I don't want him to get upset. That is if Regina even lets me invite you." Jacob smiled "Wow you're on a first name basis with the mayor? Fancy." Amelia lightly shoved his arm. "She told me to call her that. I've looked after Henry every weekend since forever. When I call to order the pizza I will let you know if you can come over." They got to Granny's and talked about random little things.

Jacob dropped her off at the shop and drove home. Amelia opened the door to the shop smiling at the bell she had heard a million times. "I will be out in a moment!" Matt called from the back. "It's just me!" she said walking over to him. "Oh Amelia, how was school?" Matt asked as he tinkered with something. "It was fine. Don't forget I have an overnight with Henry tomorrow." she told him as she placed a kiss on his cheek before going to the Bellow. She grabbed her phone and called Henry's home phone. "It's Henry," he said after three rings.

"Hey little brother," Amelia said, throwing her backpack on the ground, turning her lights on. "Hey Lia, what's up? Excited for tomorrow?" he asked happily. "You bet. That's why I'm calling. Jacob was wondering if he could pop over for a bit, if it's alright with you and your mom. I know that weekends are kinda our thing but he knows how important you are to me and wants to get to know you." There was a pause before Henry responded "Why does he wanna know me? He never did before, did something happen with you guys?"

Amelia flopped down onto her bed. "Kinda. How about this, let's go to your castle and talk. That way you can get away from Regina for a bit." Amelia knew Henry would say yes. He was always looking for a reason to get away from her. "Alright. I almost forgot! I got some important Operation Cobra news for you!" Henry said. "I can't wait. Give me ten min and I will be at your place. This will be your first time in my car." Henry hung up and Amelia grabbed her purse and got into her car after telling her uncle where she was going.

Henry was standing outside the black iron gates outside his massive white house. "Hey bud, hop inside." Amelia told him unlocking the back seat door. He climbed inside her little red car. "So what's the big news?" she asked Henry as she drove to the car. "I think I came up with who you were back in the Enchanted Forest. You were only there for a little bit before going to a new realm, Wonderland. Your Alice, from Alice in Wonderland! You both love adventure, reading, and believe the best about everything. Plus you both are cool!" Henry told her excitedly. Amelia was happy he found out 'who she was'. Henry was looking for that for a while now. "I'm Alice? That makes Heartless make more sense." she mumbled to herself. "What?" Henry asked. Amelia just shook her head. "It's the name of one of my favorite books. It's the author's idea on how the queen of hearts became like she was in the story." She parked at the park and they walked to his castle. They sat down and Henry pulled out his storybook from his backpack.

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