Chapter 39: The tea over tea

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Amelia walked into Jefferson's living room as he walked into his kitchen. She sat down on the large sofa and snuggled into a pillow. She sat there for a moment before Jefferson walked in with a pot of tea, two cups, and a plate of cookies.

"Here Alice, it's the kind I made you last time you were here." He told her as he poured her a cup. As she looked at the cup she almost laughed. It was a cup of the Cheshire Cat from the Disney Alice in Wonderland.

After taking a sip she asked, "Will it knock me out like last time? Cuz after today, that doesn't sound so bad not gonna lie."

Jefferson stood across the table from her for a moment before sitting down next to her. "Sorry to disappoint, but it won't, just will hopefully make you relax. Care to talk about what happened? I know when you were little you used to get lots of nightmares when you were in Wonderland. You always said talking about them made them not as scary."

"That sounds about right for me. I still have nightmares almost every night. So if you hear me scream tonight, don't pay any attention to it." Amelia told him taking another sip. "Ever since I can remember, well ever since the curse started, I have always had nightmares. I wake up crying some nights, others in cold sweats, or just shaking or screaming. Some night I don't wake up, just deal with the nightmares. That's why I picked to have my room in the basement, so Matt wouldn't hear them."

He looked at her for a moment before he gave her a small one-armed hug. "Have you talked to someone about them? It might help, I'm sure your uncle would like to know about them at least. And you didn't say what happened today."

A smile tugged at the corner of her mouth. "Yeah I know, talking about my feelings isn't my strong suit. I told Jacob, my boyfriend, about the dreams once. But I just ended up feeling guilty for telling him about them. Whenever I showed up to school looking tired, he asked about my nightmares and looked so concerned for me. But when I'm tired like that, it's mostly cuz I get distracted by a book and stay up too late reading. When I have bad nightmares, no one can tell."

"Well if you want, I'm here to listen. You helped me talk about my problems, let me help you." Jefferson told her. "Let me try to find something for you to sleep in. Sleeping in jeans sounds awful."

As he walked away she looked at her tea and mumbled, "Too bad." Thinking back to the fact it was just normal tea. As she sat there her phone went off and Amelia saw it was Jacob. "Hey." She told him.

"I'm so sorry Lia. I thought that everyone would be nice tonight. Well most of them were. It was Liz and Mom being proble-" He started till she cut him off.

"It's fine. I am really tired, Jacob. It's been a hell of a day today."

"Can I come over so we can talk? If its not to late that is. I feel really bad for how everything went down today."

With a sigh, she told him "I'm not at home right now. At this point, I don't really care what happened at your house. I'm ok, I'm used to seeing people fight."

"Where are you then, by Henry? Are you sure its alright?" He asked Amelia. "Tim told me how he walked you out. Said you looked shaken up."

Snuggling into the sofa more she replied "I'm fine, really. I'll call you in the morning. I gotta get some sleep. Sweet dreams." She hung up and saw Jefferson standing in the hallway watching.

"Sorry for eavesdropping." He told her with a smile that said he wasn't sorry at all. "I couldn't find anything else for you to sleep in but a pair of my sweatpants. I know it's not ideal but it's something. I'm not used to having people over."

He set the pants down on the sofa next to her. "Thanks, Hatter. But I think I'm fine with my jeans. Sorry for dropping by so quickly. I just didn't want to be at home, or have to ask Granny for a room. Because then she would ask why I needed a place to stay and blah blah blah."

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