Chapter 2: This is your home now

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"Oh, hello Peter." Hope told him, smiling friendly.

"No one calls me Peter." He told her, annoyed.

"Sorry Pan." She said quickly.

Smirked at her. "Clearly Felix didn't tell you much about Neverland. Come with me, I can show you around and tell you the rules." She climbed out of her cot realizing she was in her nightgown and didn't have shoes on. Not wanting to complain she followed him out of the tent.

Hope blinked in the bright light looking around. There were maybe thirty boys lounging around a large bonfire in the middle of what looked like a camp. Tents were all around them in circles around the fire. The one she came out of was the largest so Hope guessed it was Pan's tent.

She was shocked as she looked around. Hope had hardly left her house let alone her town.  Now it looked liked she was in a jungle. Birds chirped in the trees and there was a cool mist in the air, making the whole place smell fresh. This is quite a change from home. Hope thought to herself

"Lost Boys!" Pan yelled. All the boys turned and walked over to them. Hope shifted a little uncomfortable with all the strangers looking at her. "We have a new friend for a while. This is Hope and she will be staying with us. Treat her like you would any of you."

The boys began milling around. Hope could see them glancing over at them. Fe walked up to them. "What now?" He asked Pan.

"Now I will show her around Neverland." Pan told him.

Fe glanced at her nightgown and lack of shoes. "You might want to change first." He told his sister as he walked off with what looked like a crossbow.

Pan glanced her up and down looking at her clothes. "He has a point, come on." Pan walked closer to her and picked her up easily. Hope gasped in surprise as he began to fly. She was startled and clung to Peter tightly. it felt very different from flying with the shadow

As Hope wrapped her arms around him he started to smirk. Pan flew them above the camp to an elaborate treehouse. They landed and stood there for a moment. "You want to keep standing here and hanging on to me?" He asked Hope with a smirk. She blushed a little and let go of him. He opened the door and she walked inside. The walls were made of a warm wood. The decorations were all dark green if there were any there.

"This is amazing," Hope mumbled to herself.

"Glad you like it, this is my place." He told her. "Now what to have you wear?" Pan asked himself. "My clothes would be too large, so would Felix's."

"When I was younger before he left Felix said anything was possible in Neverland." Hope recalled.

"It's a place of magic." Pan walked over to her with a knowing smile. "Don't talk about it like it's some far away dream. This is Neverland! Come sit."

They sat down on a leather sofa in the large room. "I can tell you the rules here and will show you around when you have real clothes."

Hope smiled at him then her stomach gave a loud rumble. It surprised Pan. "What a loud sound for such a small girl. Don't you have food at home?"

She glanced at the ground before saying. "Kinda, can we not talk about it? You were going to tell me the rules of Neverland." She tried to change the subject. Her father never wanted her to eat to much so she looked good to his friends sons when they came over. Her father had been looking for a man for her so he could get rid of her.

He rolled his eyes at her. "Rule one you never have to apologize for anything. Rule number two anything is possible. For example," He opened his hand and a bright red apple appeared in his hand. He glanced at it and handed it to Hope.

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