Chapter 25: Alone again

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"Amelia! Can you come down here for a moment?" Regina yelled from downstairs. Amelia put the bookmark in her book and rolled off the bed. She really didn't want to stop reading her book. It was getting to a really good part. There was about to be a meeting with all the High Lords. She walked down the stairs and saw Regina and Henry with their coats on standing by the door. "We are running over to my office. Would you like to come with us?" Regina asked her. Henry nodded and mouthed 'please?'

"Sure." She told them, putting on her coat. They walked to the car but Regina got a phone call. She walked back up the driveway leaving Amelia with Henry.

"Lia, what happened with you and Mr. Gold? I've barely seen you. You hardly come out of your room since we got back yesterday." Henry asked.

Amelia knelt to Henry's height and told him "I've just been thinking. I got some new info about Operation Cobra rolling around in my head. Plus Jacob got me two new books and I wanna read them. And Henry, we both had school."

Henry's face lit up at the mention of Operation Cobra. "You have new info and you didn't tell me! What is it?"

Amelia debated if she should tell Henry or not what she knows. "Matt is awake. Regina had something from his story and gave it back to him. He knows I know about the curse. He is gonna let me ask him a bunch of questions when he gets out. Also how could you not tell me my uncle is the Dark One?"

Henry looked at his sister in surprise "What? How did you find out? Did he tell you?"

Amelia shook her head "No. I saw your mom give him the chipped teacup from the Beauty and the Beast story. I also saw him say the word Rumpelstiltskin. I could connect the dots from there. We talked about it after she left. It took a while but I got him to admit it. Also, he knows you know about the curse as well. I accidentally said we so Matt knows it is you that knows. So now the two biggest villains in the book are awake, you and me know about the curse and believe, and Emma and Archie know about it but don't actually believe us." she summed up.

"Well, that's not good. Why is it that the only ones who believe what's going on are living with the worst villains?" Henry asked.

Regina walked back over to them dropping her phone in her purse. "Ready to go?" She asked as they got into her car. They drove and went to her office. The inside was very black and white. There was cool tree wallpaper, a little seating area, and her desk. Amelia and Henry sat down as Regina pulled out a small metal box with a blue bow on it.

"Go on, open it." Regina told Henry with a slight laugh as she put it in his lap.

"What's the occasion?" he asked as he picked up the box. He looked at Regina suspiciously. Regina wasn't the type for random gifts.

Regina smiled at her son and said "The occasion is I love you. Go on." Henry took off the box not looking happy about his gift. Inside was a controller for a video game. "Now, I know you miss your book. But with this, you can do the heroics. You can save the princesses. You can be the hero. I even got you two of them so you can play with Amelia."

Henry fiddled with it for a bit looking disappointed. "Thanks for getting me one too, Regina. We're gonna have so much fun playing together." Amelia told him, trying to help Regina convince him. Henry still didn't look happy about the gift.

After a disappointed sigh Regina told him "Henry, you have to believe me, when I tore down the playground I did it for your safety. Please don't be upset with me. I really didn't mean to destroy your book."

Amelia put her arm around Henry making him look at her. "Trust me Hen, I know how you feel about the playground. I practically watched you grow up there. We would play on the swings, and just sit there and talk for hours. But as much as I don't wanna admit it, Regina is right. After the storm, there was no way to fix the playground. But she knows how much you love adventures so she got you a new game. Can you at least give it a try? For me, please?"

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