Chapter 58: Luck of the Dice

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Hope secretly took as many photos of the Black Pearl as she could as Captain Jack Sparrow led her around his ship. They walked everywhere from the crew's quarters to his cabin, to the deck, and finally to the helm. "Can I steer the ship? Just for a bit?" Hope asked him as she looked out on the deck and Tortuga beyond it.

"Eh, why not. " Jack started, "Dream, can I call you dream? Why do I get the sense I'm not truly dreaming and you are real and have snuck aboard my ship? Ye said you wanted something to take back."

Hope laughed and declared sarcastically, "You know what, you're absolutely right. I'm a girl that's over a hundred years old. Where I'm from almost everything here is a myth. So while my family is busy I'm going to steal as much as I can to take back home with me. Your ship is the last one on my list. As a fellow pirate who I think knows my dad, I wanted to see your ship."

"Who is your dad? Most people don't have one." He asked, taking a swig of his rum. I guess he has seen enough crazy stuff at this point to not question anything.

"Captain Hook of the Jolly Roger. Also known as Killian Jones." She took off her hat as she bowed. "I'm Captain Hope Delia Jones Gold of the Jolly Roger. AKA Captain Red Pants in Tortuga. So you gonna give me something to take back or do I get to rob you?"

Captain Jack Sparrow blinked at her twice before he started laughing. "Ha! Captain Hook would never hand over his ship, it's the first rule about being a captain if you do not know that you aren't a captain. Ergo you can't be his daughter for he would have told her savvy?"

Hope looked around the ship before her eyes landed on what she wanted to take back with her. She pointed to the pirate flag on the tallest mast of the ship. "That's what I want. I know my dad would never give up our ship. It's both of ours. We are both the captains of the Jolly Roger. Now-" She looked towards the ocean and the setting sun. "- I have places I need to be Captain. Will you hand over your flag to me or am I taking it?"

Jack swung his sword at her making her jump back. "No. My ship, my rules. No one robs the Pearl and gets away with it."

She smirked at him. "I didn't rob the Pearl, I asked if I was going to have to. How about a bet? If I win you give me your flag."

He smiled and replied, "If I win you fill the ship with rum and agree The Black Pearl is the best ship in any waters."

Hope gave him a tight smile. The Jolly Roger is the best ship. "We've agreed on the stakes, now what shall we do to determine the winner? A duel? Liar's Dice? A sing-off?"

Captain Jack put away his sword. "Liar's dice. It would be unfair of me to fight a child."

"A child? I have been training with a sword for over eighty years. It would be you who would be at a disadvantage. But Liar's Dice it is. I have to be back soon." She conjured two sets of five dice and two cups for the dice on top of a barrel.

Jack walked to the other end of the barrel and looked at his dice. Hope looked at hers, One two, two fours, and two sixes. She thought. "One two."

"One six lass. It's not too late for you to quit." Jack said, looking at his dice.

Hope glanced at hers again. "Two sixes Captain."

He smirked as he called "Three sixes."

Hope thought for a moment before saying. "Four sixes."

"Five sixes." He told her confidently.

Please be right. "Liar!" She called.

"A liar? Well, see about that." Jack uncovered his dice and Hope saw he had a one, a two, a three, and a pair of sixes.

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