Chapter 46: Never Normal

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Hope put the note from Jacob in her pocket. "Always one step ahead." She mumbled as she drove back to the shop from the hospital. As she looked around she saw people reuniting all over town. Must be nice. To wake up and remember your old life and your family, then find them here in town and rush into their waiting arms. I get to go home to Mat- Rumple and explain some things. That I'm queen of an island where time stands still and have a lot of sons. Holy shit! His son is Bealfire! Oh no, that's not good. How do I tell him that not only do I know his son, but he has told me many many times that I'm more a parent to him than his birth parents ever were? And Peter said the Dark One sent the curse to get him. How does Matt know Peter? How am I gonna explain to him that he is the reason I was here?

She pulled into the driveway of the shop, surprised to see it dark inside. Grabbing her two backpacks, Hope opened the door and called out, "Hey, Matt? I'm home and the curse is broken by the way!" No one responded as she climbed into her room and set her bags down. Hope started to put her clothes back and found her knife and perfume. She put her knife around her waist taking comfort in the normalcy of wearing it again. Quickly she stood up and ran to the storage room in the back. "That box is my stuff. My necklace from Peter is in there!" After finding the right box she opened the pink bag and clipped her necklace on. Right away she felt the magic connecting it to Neverland. It felt like sunshine and waves lapping against the shore or against the Jolly Roger.

'Whenever you wear this necklace, Hope, you will always have the magic of Neverland with you.' Peter told her when he gave her the necklace. Hope picked up the charm in the palm of her hand studying it. It felt like only yesterday that Peter had given it to her after they kissed and he made her his queen. On the other hand, it felt like a lifetime ago. Hope's mind began to race with questions and conflicting things from her life in Neverland and her life in Storybrooke.

She carried the whole box into her room and looked through it. A few things of her clothes, a pair of shorts, a pink skirt, a dark green shirt, her coat from her dad, the pink bag her necklace was in, and some of her flower crown that looked old and wilted. She flicked her wrist and they looked good as new. Ok so my magic does work here. Henry is gonna love it. Or will he hate magic because except for stuff the Blue Fairy did, magic was mostly bad? How is Matt gonna handle that I have magic too?

"Slow down me. Just take things one small step at a time." She told herself as she began putting her stuff away. "First problem that comes to mind, what am I gonna go by? I was never a fan of Amelia so Hope it is. Next question: where am I gonna live? I love Storybrooke, but I also love Neverland. When it gets dark out I can call Shadow to take me back. But can I really leave everyone here so quickly? That means saying goodbye to Matt who has looked after me the whole curse, and is also the reason why I had to leave in the first place. I would have to lose Henry as well, but I could text him to call Shadow and come see me. But would Peter let him go? Not to mention Jacob. Oh god, Jacob. Do I even want to be- nope can't deal with that problem now!"

The shop door opened and Hope looked up, relieved to have an excuse to stop freaking herself out. She climbed up the ladder and ran into the shop talking as she went. "Matt! I'm really glad you're back. I know things with us were rough but after all that's happened today it really doesn't m-" Hope stopped as she saw not only Matt in the shop but a woman as well. She had long brown hair and a gray dress with a maroon coat. "Oh. Hi."

Rumple was shocked to see her, he was so sure after the curse broke she would move out so fast. "Amelia. You're still here. I thought you would have run off and found your family."

Hope walked up to him and gave him a tight hug. "I did. You're my family, deal with it. I told you I was still gonna stick around after the curse. Now I know who I am too. I can't tell you how happy I am to know who I am finally and very confused at the same time. Before you got here I was kinda having a meltdown. This is a lot harder than I thought it would be. Knowing this life and my other one."

All the magic (OUAT Peter Pan)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora