Chapter 43: A New Hope

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Amelia woke up stiff, unsure where she was. Someone was shaking her arm. "Wake up, it's Henry!" Jacob told her making her bolt up. "He just took a turn for the worst, they don't think he is going to make it. Mother Superior is in there with Dr. Wale. You need to say goodbye."

She jumped off the couch and into the room where Mother Superior and Wale stood with their heads down. "His heartbeat was extremely high and now it's falling very drastically." Dr. Wale told her as they moved away from Henry for her to say goodbye.

Amelia tried not to cry looking at him. His face was covered with a mask to help him breathe and there were orange things stuck to his chest. Wires were everywhere, and barely a heartbeat to be found. "Henry, I really hope you can hear me. You are the best brother and friend anyone could ever dream of. Since the first time I met you, you have become one of my favorite people. I love you so much and so do your moms. It might not seem like it all the time, but they both just want what's best for you. I wish there was something I could do to help you." She glanced at Wale and Mother Superior and they stepped back out of earshot to let her say goodbye in peace.

"Your moms found the most powerful magic, it's gonna save you. Matt managed to smuggle it here from the Enchanted Forest. You just need to hold on till they get here. You can do it, I know you can." Amelia gasped as his heart rate monitor flatlined. Henry's heart stopped. The heart that was always full of joy and kindness, stopped.

"No!" Amelia yelled, kneeling next to his bed. "Come Henry wake up." She cried looking at him, it had to be a mistake with the machine or something. Henry had to wake up.

"I'm so sorry dear, but he's gone. His mothers are on their way. I'm glad someone close to him got to say goodbye." Mother superior told her. Wale opened the door for her and they left Amelia to her grieving.

"No, come on bud you can do it. Your mom's are on the way. They will bring the true love any second now, they have to." she sobbed as Jacob walked over to her.

"Amelia he is go-"

"No!" she cried, cutting him off. "He has to live. Henry Danial Mills, you listen to me! You need to wake up, please. You gotta see the curse break, Operation Cobra isn't over yet. I don't know how to do this without you. Come back!" Jacob helped her stand up and walked with her out of the room just as Emma and Regina showed up and their hearts broke.

It was like time stopped as they both saw their son. Emma slowly walked into the room with Henry while Regina couldn't bring herself to go inside. While they were so different in how long they knew Henry, both women loved him with all their hearts. Jacob let go of Amelia's hand and she walked over to give Regina a much-needed hug. "I'm so sorry. I tried to give him hope to hold on till you got here." She cried quietly while she hugged his mother. "You have to go in."

Amelia grabbed Jacob's hand and they waited outside till Regina and Wale walked in before joining them. Jacob wanted to help but all he could do was hold Amelia's hand. Slowly Emma made her way over to her son as tears fell down her face. "I love you, Henry." she whispered as she kissed his forehead.

Around that kiss a ring of love formed and spread out making her gasp. Hope choked out a breath of relief as Henry opened his eyes. He was alive! "I love you too," he told his mom with a smile. "You saved me."

"You did it!" Regina said in disbelief.

More nurses walked in looking at Henry and Emma. "Henry, what's going on?"

"The curse, I think you broke it." Henry told her surprised.

Hope walked over to her brother whipping a tear off her face, whether from sadness or joy, she wasn't sure. "Yeah, you both broke the curse. Never scare me like that again. You are never allowed to make me see you die again." she reached out and hugged her little brother, relieved he was alive.

Henry hugged her back tightly. "I heard you and you are the best sister ever."

"That was true love's kiss." the Blue fairy told them as she walked over.

Regina shook her head, "No. No!"

Everyone turned to look at the Queen, remembering everything she did to them. "If I were you, Your Majesty, I'd find a place to hide." Blue told her.

"Henry," Regina said as she walked to his bed. "No matter what you think, no matter what anyone tells you, I do love you." with her goodbye said she ran out of the room, knowing all of Storybrooke would be after her head.

Now that Hope knew Henry was alive and out of danger she took a deep breath and walked back to Jacob who was standing outside the glass again.

"I remember," he told her. "The game you played was real. I-" he looked from her to the door back to her.

"I know. Go find your family, I miss mine too." Hope told him. Jacob kissed her on the cheek and ran out. I miss my family and they are all in a different realm. Everyone is back in Neverland. Peter, Felix, my boys, Killian, the crew. I was gone for so long. What happened to them? What did they tell the crew when they got back? Are the boys alright?

Emma stood up looking at Wale. "What's it going to take to get him out of here?"

"We will start the paperwork right away." They walked off to get Henry out as Hope looked at her younger brother. She blew him a kiss before walking out of the hospital. She walked down to her car and saw her two bags from Raginas were there along with a note. Hope unfolded the note and read, 'Hey Lia. No matter what is gonna happen to Henry I thought you would want to go home. So I took your stuff from his place and packed it up. Thanks for telling me where the spare key was - Jacob.' As Hope drove home she thought about Neverland and her favorite days on the island. When she first came to the island, learning to climb trees and doing whatever she wanted, dancing around the campfire or bonfires on the beach, But the day that stood out to her the most was her 50th Neverday.

A/N: The curse is broken! it started to feel like i might not ever get to this point but we did, Hope is back. *insert crazy happy dance* I cant believe 1.2K reads at the end of season one. I know this is a short chapter but I was going to include the Neverday flashback in this chapter but it was getting too long so that will be its own chapter. Thank you all so much for keeping reading my fic - A very grateful Author😃😃🥰

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