Chapter 4: First day as a Lost Girl

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A/N: Sorry this is a long chapter

"Wake up." A blunt voice said. Hope bolted up seeing her brother standing in front of her.

"Moring Fe. How did you get up here?" She asked with a yawn.

"Get dressed and wait here." He started to walk off but Hope stopped him.

"I don't know how to get down. My clothes are in my tent." The events of yesterday came back to Hope. "Did you catch the boys from yesterday?"

"Go down the hall, first door to your left." He told her, not looking back. He walked outside the treehouse, leaving Hope alone. She walked to the first door to her left and found a bed room. The bed was large with black sheets and a dark green blanket on top. Everything was made of dark brown wood. Hope saw the chest from her tent was in there along with her hairbrush and a soft pink ribbon.

Hope opened her chest and got dressed. She put on a light pink long sleeved shirt to cover the bruises from last night, dark green pants, a light gray jean jacket, and brown boots. Hope brushed her hair and pulled it into a braid. Hope saw a gold necklace in the shape of a flower on a pile of clothes in the chest, she slipped it on. She opened the door to the room and walked to the balcony.

Peter was standing there looking impatient. "Finally," He said, seeing her walk out.

"Good morning Peter." She told him, ignoring him being rude.

"First things first. You have to learn how to fly. I don't want to have to help you everytime you want to get somewhere."

"Don't I need to know how to use magic first?" Hope asked knowing she was right. He rolled his eyes and the corner of his mouth lifted in a smile a bit.

"Hold your hand out and close it. Picture something in your mind. Think of something-" He paused, think of the right word "-happy in your case. Let the thing fill you up."

"Got it." Hope told him.

"Now open." She opened her hand to see a brown stuffed bear her mother made for her.

"Wonderful now the little girl has a teddy bear." Peter said sarcastically.

"My mother made it for me. It's one of the only things I have of her. I lost it years ago." Hope explained to Peter.

"Well you got down summing things well enough time to move things. Imaging the bear somewhere. Let your happy thing fill you up." Hope watched as the bear blinked away.

"Let's see if it worked." Hope said as she walked back inside. She opened the chest to see her bear there.

"Good now the fun stuff." Peter said with a wicked gleam in his emerald eyes. "Imagine a place on Neverland. Picture it in your mind and take my hand." Hope grabbed his hand and closed her eyes. "Keep them open," Peter instrucked. "You can't keep closing your eyes every time you use magic."

Hope gave into the happy memory and found her and Peter were on the beach by the cove. Peter let go of her hand. "Thank you for teaching me magic Peter." Hope said as she sat down taking off the jacket. It was to warm for that with the warm sunlight and the hot sand,

"You're welcome now for something harder. I will go somewhere on the island and you have to find me. Think of it like a game."

"How do I find you?" Hope asked him confused.

"That's the trick, you have to figure it out yourself." Peter disappeared leaving Hope alone on the cove. She looked past the bubble around the cove seeing Hook wandering around. She concentrated on the beach behind him and so she was there.

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