Chapter 28: That was unexpected

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 Amelia glanced in the mirror one more time before heading out for the last day of panting candles. She had on comfy black legging, her soft white sweater, and a ponytail. Comfy and also cute. She put on her midnight blue fuzzy socks as it was freezing that day. It's fine, not like anyone will see them anyway. She told herself as she put on her black boots and her backpack.

Last night before she went to bed she put her art supplies in her backpack and some other things as she was going to be spending all day at the center again.

"Amelia, Jacob just pulled in!" Matt called from above the trap door. She climbed up the ladder and hugged him goodbye.

"See you tonight, Matt." Amelia told him as she got her coat on. "If it's six and I'm not home yet, call me and tell me to get back here."

She put her phone in her pocket and slung the backpack over her shoulder. Amelia ran out to his truck and climbed inside. "It's so cold out!" she practically shrieked as she sat down.

"Hello to you too. Now kiss and you get a surprise." Jacob told her, tapping his cheek. Amelia smiled at him as she placed a kiss on his cheek. He reached into the back seat and pulled out a large thermos and a bag from Granny's. "Six chocolate chip muffins, to last you all day, and hot chocolate with a bit of coffee in it. Just how you like it."

"My hero!" Amelia told him as he drove to the center. Her phone began to buzz and she answered "Hello?"

"Hey, Lia." Henry greeted "Do you wanna hang out today? Emma said she had real work today and mom also has work."

Amelia debated for a second before saying "I'm actually going over to help paint candles for Miner's day today. If you want you can come with us. I'm sure the nuns would love another pair of hands."

"Us?" he questioned, "You hanging out with your boyfriend?" he asked teasingly like a true little brother.

"Yes, I invited him along with me to help out. If you keep teasing me I can take back the invite. Do you wanna come or not Henry?" she asked him again with a bit of a laugh.

She could hear Henry laughing on the other end of the phone "Yes please, pick me up?"

"We are almost there, come out but make sure you're bundled up tight." she worried about him. He tended to only wear his blue coat and red scarf when it was cold.

Henry sighed and said "I don't need a third mom Lia." with that he hung up.

Jacob tapped the steering wheel as he said "So Henry is coming now? He normally likes hanging out with Emma, at least on the weekends."

Amelia shook her head slightly as she asked "Is it alright that I invited him? Both of his moms have to work today and he was lonely."

He pulled into the driveway and said, "I get that. But can't he just like staying home alone and playing video games like a normal kid? It just feels like it's always 'I gotta watch Henry first' or 'let's see if Henry wants to come'. I miss just having us time without the kid but, it feels like he is always around."

Amelia was shocked by what Jacob said. "Hey we do have time witho-"

Henry opened the door to the back seat and sat down. "Morning Lia, hi Jacob." he looked at the couple who were not as cute and happy as normal. "You guys ok?"

She turned around to look at Henry and said "Of course buddy. Now let's go to the center. I think you're really gonna like what I painted on the candles, they all have a theme to them. And I can teach you how to do it too if you want."

Jacob mumbled as he pulled out of the driveway "Nah, you're the artist. I'm just the boyfriend. Have a muffin." he tossed the bag back to the boy who gladly had one.

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