Chapter 3: Your place

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The party continued late into the night. Lost Boys kept coming up to Hope asking her to sing another song. She politely told them no every time, feeling embarrassed enough for the night.

Hope finally made her way to a log where Felix happened to be sitting flipping a knife. "I'm glad you're staying with us, Hope." He told her.

Her brother had glanced over at his litter sister as she said, "Thank you Fe, how are you? You have hardly spoken to me." She looked at her new friends having fun dancing around the fire.

"I don't talk much with anyone other than Pan. I'm not trying to be a brat. I did miss you too." He told her as he stood up and grabbed two sticks. He started to dance with the other Lost Boys.

Hope walked over to the table set out with food. Daniel was standing over there as well. "Hey Daniel." Hope said to him.

"Hey, nice job Lost Girl." He told her. She took a bite of an unknown piece of food, it was a pale white cube that's was squishy and soft. It tasted like strawberries, chocolate and sweetened cream. She smiled at the delicious taste.

"Good isn't it?" He asked her. "It tastes like something different for everyone. What's it to you?"

"It's like strawberries and chocolate sweet cream." She smiled and sat down next to Wally and Mickey.

They shared with her the blanket they were using. "Well, you like being the first Lost Girl?" Mickey asked her.

"Ya, I'm not really sure what to do now. What do you boys normally do around here?"

"Bed!" Peter yelled. Everyone stopped what they were doing and walked off to different tents around the blazing fire. Hope and Peter were the only ones left around the fire

"Didn't you hear me Mermaid?" He smirked as he walked over to his Lost Girl.

"I don't have a tent." She told him, rubbing her hands together, chilled.

"Then what's the empty tent over there for." He pointed to a tent in the far corner of camp. She walked over to the tent. It was small with a bed, with a small table next to it on one side and a chest on the other. Her purple night gown was laid on her bed. The chest was open revealing a new wardrobe for her. Mostly brown pants, light pink, gray, and  green shirts, with a couple of dresses in pink green and brown. She walked over to the table and found a hair brush, some ribbons to tie her hair back and a small amount of silver and gold jewelry.

"Thank you Peter!" She exclaimed looking at the boy standing at the opening to her tent. A small candle burned on her table. She smelt it, not identifying what the scent was. She walked over to him and gave him a hug which surprised him. Why would anyone want to hug Peter Pan?

Peter patted her on the back once and stepped back from her. "Well I don't want to have to magic you stuff every day. Enjoy, now sleep." He commanded closing the opening to her

She slipped on her purple nightgown and brushed her hair. She sat down looking at her tent, her tent. Everything she had ever had before belonged to someone before her. Everything in the tent was all new things for her. Hope sat down on her cot about to blow out the candle. She smelt the white candle and realized the scent, it smelt like lilacs, her favorite flowers.

When she blew out the candle, it plunged her tent into darkness. Exhausted by her first day in Neverland she fell asleep almost instantly, humming your mother and mine to herself as her mother did.

Hope awoke with a start as someone covered her mouth with their hand. Two strong people grabbed her arms and legs. She began the thrash in terror. Hope tried to see who they were but it was too dark. She tried to scream but the hand blocked her voice from coming out.

"Hush now Lost Girl. We won't hurt you too much." Someone whispered menacingly in her ear. She thrashed more only got held on the harder, bruises would definitely form. "We can do this two ways, sweet cheeks. We can make out a bit first or we can get to the real fun. Your choice."

Hope stopped thrashing realizing what was happening. She could feel someone moving close to her face, their cheek pressed next to hers as they whispered into her ear, "What will it be?" Hope blinked a tear trying to fall between the two of them.

He chuckled "Nod once for option one twice for two." She nodded once. The people holding on to her adjusted so they could hold her sitting up. The person whispering to her sat next to her, way too close for comfort. He was pressed next to her. "Pucker up," He moved his face closer to hers pulling away his hand.

"HELP!" Hope screamed as loud as she could, hoping someone would help her.

The hand was slapped on her mouth quickly and painfully. "That was a big mistake, now we move on to option two."

The tent flap opened revealing two people standing there. The three people in her tent took off running out the back way. One of the people in the doorway ran after them. Hope scrambled up and hugged the man in the doorway. "You saved me," She cried into his shirt.

Peter hugged her back, not sure what else to do. "You're safe now, Lost Girl. You won't have to worry about them again. Felix will take care of them." She held on to him tightly. He snapped his fingers and her candle was lit again. He looked down and saw Hope shaking with fear.

"Take a deep breath, Mermaid." He told her softly. "Are you hurt?" Peter asked her. Hope shook her head. "Come with me." Peter commanded her and picked her up bridal style in his arms. They walked out of her tent and flew away. They landed on the porch surrounding Peter's treehouse.

"What are we doing here Peter?" Hope sniffled as Peter set her down. He snapped his fingers and the candles around his kitchen flickered to life as they walking into a kitchen area Hope didn't notice at first. She sat down on a stool by the kitchen island as Peter sat on a stool across from her.

Suddenly in front of them were two shot glasses filled with rum. Hope recognized that smell anywhere, it smelt like her father. "To calm your nerves." He told her as he handed her the shot glass. He down his and Hope set hers down still full.

"No thank you," She mumbled. The shot glass turned into a cup of apple cider. She picked up the warm glass and took a sip of the comforting drink. "Who were they?" Hope asked Peter, almost afraid to know.

"When Felix catches them we will find out. How long were they there?" He asked, taking a second shot.

"Maybe a minute." Hope responded with a yawn. Peter set down his glass.

"You should get some sleep, Mermaid. Tomorrow you start your training. The boys won't go easy on you just because you're a girl. plus after that, it shows you need to know how to defend yourself" He told her.

"You're right, but I don't want to go back." She whispered, scared to go back to her tent. He looked at her with an amused smile.

"Why do you think we are up here? You're gonna sleep here tonight. Part of your training will be making yourself a new place to sleep. Neverland gave you magic you might as well learn how to use it."

Hope set down the apple cider, "You're letting me sleep here? Why are you being so nice to me? From what I've heard you're not normally nice." They walked over to the sofa and Hope layed down while Peter sat down in a chair.

"Think of it as I'm making you owe me later. I didn't think the boys would treat you that differently otherwise I would have set you up somewhere else so it would have to be done again. Now sleep," He stood up as Hope pulled the blanket off the back.

"And don't worry, the boys can't get up here. The only way is to fly." Peter started walking off but Hope asked

"Peter?" He turned and looked at his Lost Girl. "Thank you for stopping them and letting me stay here."

He smirked and replied "Do you mean Neverland or my treehouse?"

"Both." She told him as he walked away; The candles he turned on flickered out, the only light came from the fire still crackling by the camp below. Hope snuggled her head into the pillow, wondering if she was really cut out to live in Neverland.

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