"Yeah of course I'm pretty much sure about that," You ranted without taking off your eyes from the food.

"Are you taking care of yourself sweetheart? You look like lost some calories" Your mom confessed and you looked over the food to her only to find out they both looking at you with their concerning eyes.

"Can you spill the tea already? Like what you two want from me?"

"We want a grandchild," Your mom said on your face like it's not even a big deal or something.

"Are you both got crazy or something?" You inquired again disbelieving in your mom's own words. Do they think making children is that easy?

"No. We are perfectly fine-"

"Still you should meet a psychologist," You snapped cutting off your mom. She glared at you and speak again.

"We both are ok. You have to understand we are aged enough to have a grandchild. I want to hold my grandchild with my own hands before dying"

"Come on mom. First, you two can take a yoga class or whatever aunt Kathy took classes for. Like she is at age of umm.. maybe 60+? I don't know but she looks like freaking 37"

"Are you planning on hitting my sister Y/n? I guess you know she has unmarried" your mom informed her with a is that smirk? Is she being real?

"Mom can you just be practical for a second? I'm just saying my thoughts I don't want to hit your sister or something. What the fuck! Also, I thought you know I'm single and don't have any plan to change this any sooner too. So better think about something else" You explained to your mom and gave her an annoying look before taking another bite of your food.

"Come on sweetheart you can just think about this-"

"I can't even take care of myself alone in my place leave talking about a small human running around there," You ranted cutting your mom again. Seems like you came here to cut off their sentence.

"Yeah, we know that sweetheart. For that, we called you here" Your mom admitted completing her sentence this time sweetly and you in place of cutting her sentence gave them a questioning look.

"Do you remember Mr Kim? My childhood best friend and with whom I grew up pretty much?" Your dad asked you this time while growing his smile on his face dangerously bright.


"Oh yeah. You were only 1 year old when we moved out from New Zealand" Your dad smiled sweetly maybe remembering his old days while you just rolled her eyes at them.

"Honey focus!" Your mom snapped your father out from his sweet memories.

"Oh yeah sorry. So he has a daughter, who is sweet-"

"Wait, wait! Do you two think the same thing I'm thinking?"

"Maybe, depends on what you're thinking" Your mom calmly spoke this time to her daughter.

"I'm not liking the way this conversation going. It's already 10:55 and I should leave 'cause I have to drive there off alone" You said while getting up. But your mom made you sit on the chair using your shoulders.

"Sweetheart, we just want to help you"

"I don't need this kind of help from you two"

"But you have to listen to us"

"What if I don't?"

"Then you are an ungrateful child" Your mom stated without any hesitation.

"Honey say it to her before she runs away"

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