Mother's Day Special

901 30 4

Adeola//Addy P.O.V.
Location- Home
Time- 11:12 am
May 8th

"Momma, wake up," Xayah shakes me, and instead of getting up, I turn over to the other side of the bed.

"Give me ten more minutes Xee," I mumble, soon after I feel a heavy ass body laying on me.

"LaFrance get yo big ass off of me," I groan opening my eyes.

"Happy mothers day phat," He says kissing my cheek.

Xayah then comes and plops down next to us, "Happy mothers day mommy!" She exclaims smiling. Shit, I totally forgot today was mothers day.

"Thank you Xee baby, and thank you bubby," I smile.

"But Ima need you to get off of me so I can get up and feed our son," I continue. Melo proceeds to get up and motions for Xee to follow him. I get out of bed going into the bathroom to do all my hygiene and all that stuff. After I do that I make my way toward Sekani's nursery.

"Good morning Peanut," I smile picking him up out of his crib. He smiles and starts squealing.

"Cmon, let's go downstairs so you can say hi to daddy and Xee," I say as I put a pacifier in his mouth. I walk out of his room and head downstairs. Once I make it downstairs, I hear noise coming from the dining room.

"Aw ya made breakfast,?" I ask putting my hand to my chest.

"I made breakfast, yo daughter sat there and watched me," Melo says making Xee mug him.

"I was making sure you didn't burn or mess anything up," Xee said matter of factly.

I laugh, "Don't play my Xee baby, Dip," I roll my neck.

He sucks his teeth, "If ya don't just sit from and eat this food," Melo says coming over to me to take Sekani from my arms.

"Can you cut my waffles please momma?" Xayah asks and I nod my head going over to her side of the table. After I cut her waffles, Peanut starts fussing so Melo hands him back to me before we both sit down.

"You know what you wanna do today?" Melo asks as I take one of my boobs out to feed Sekani.

"Nah" I shrug, taking a bite of turkey bacon.

"Well, you gon have a pamper day. You gon get yo nails done, lashes, all that shit," Melo counts off on his fingers.

"Damn I looked fucked up to you or something?" I ask chuckling.

"Yeah, you calling my momma ugly?" Xee asks mugging him.

Melo jerks his head back, "I never said all that, you haven't pampered yourself since Peanut was born, I know you missed doing all that shit," He explains and I smile.

"That's sweet Dip, and you're right, I definitely need all my stuff done," I say eating a piece of my waffle.
Time- 1:23 pm

"You look good mama," Melo comes into the bathroom as I put my hair into a ponytail.

I smile, looking at him through the mirror, "Do I?" I ask raising an eyebrow. He comes up behind me and wraps his arms around me.

"You always look good, fuck you talkin' bout," He says putting his face in my neck.

"Thank you bubby," I cheese. I take my edge brush and my edge control and begin to do my edges.

He kisses my neck before lifting his head up, "Ima get a new tattoo phat," He brings up.

"What are you gonna get and where?" I ask leaning more into the mirror so I can perfect my edges.

"I have something in my head, Ion have the full idea yet and Ima get it on my hands," He says and I nod my head.

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