You Cheated On Me?

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Adeola//Addy P.O.V
Location- Adeola's House
Time Skip- May 19
Time- 10:16 am

"Why can't I still believe you're pregnant?" I question rubbing on Tati's belly. There has been a lot of things going on these past couple of months. For one after Melo and I posted our relationship we were trending on Twitter for a good week. There were a lot of positive reactions but either way, it would not have mattered. In March Melo injured his wrist and hadn't played since and yesterday was their last game of the season. I also got myself my first house in March it took a while to decide and get things together but nonetheless I went through with it. I did need my own space and it's just another thing to cross off my list of things I've done at the age of nineteen. In April Zo and Tati had a gender reveal and turns out they're having a girl. To add on I finished my album but the release date is to be determined.

"Man I know right and a girl at that. I honestly thought we would have a boy just because of his side of the family mainly being all boys." She said munching on takis and cream cheese. I sit across from her taking one of her takis.

"You like having Zo around you 24/7 now that the season is over?" I say picking up Chip and petting her.

She nods her head, "Yeah for sure. Especially since I'm getting closer and closer to my due date and he'll be here for the baby shower. Bitch, you don't know how many nights I would actually cry cause I felt so alone." She said taking the cap off her water bottle and drinking it.

"I see what you mean, if I was pregnant the only person I would want beside me is Dip. Con of dating a NBA player." I say and she chuckled.

"Zoey was and still is a huge help in a way though. After we told her all she wanted was to be around the baby. Legit baby girl would get so active whenever Zo or Zoey would touch me or talk to her." She said smiling widely.

I smile along with her, "I'm happy you found someone like Zo, wallahi. Alle mogo youn ma." I say and I noticed that she was tearing up. (I swear. He's a good person.)

"Shit I didn't mean to make you cry. I'm sorry." I say setting Chip down to walk over to her. I give her a comforting hug.

"No, no, I'm fine. I swear it's the hormones." Tati says wiping her tears.

"Okay, enough with the hugging, I'm big gangsta I can't be doing this sentimental shit." She says getting herself together and I laugh.

"Anyway big mama, what you wanna do today?" I ask grabbing my phone to text Brooklyn.



"Can we go to the estate and chill? I want to be in the pool " She says swiveling in her chair.

y what he do

"G and Brook having problems for the umpteenth time. And yea we can do that. " I tell Tati. She scoffs, shaking her head.

"When are they never not having problems. What's the issue this time?" She rolls her eyes rubbing her stomach.

"That's what I'm trying to figure out. Lemme call her." I say calling her up. She picks up on the second ring.

"Bitchh, LiAngelo got me fucked all the way up!" Brooklyn yelled as soon as the call connected.

"What he do girl?" Tati asked putting her head in the camera.

"Okay, so boom, Gelo was in the shower and I was watching Netflix ya know. This nigga's phone starts blowing up. My gut was telling me to look at it but then again I'm trying to be a trusting girlfriend." She says pausing to make sure we're following her.

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