Will You Be My..?

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Location: Six Flags

Omniscient P.O.V

They were all now at Six Flags walking around together in a group. Everybody was there including Dmo Amber J-Ray Tomi B.I and Anthony.

"Let's get in line for the Green Lantern!" Brooklyn suggested

"Aw hell nah i don't wanna get on any roller coasters" Said Melo

"Nigga so then what's the point of coming here. stop being pussy." Gelo said

"Ain't nobody pussy i'm just trying not to die ya know" Melo said back to Gelo as they walked to the Green Lantern regardless of what Melo said

"Aye i'll give you a hunnid if you get on that and the slingshot." Lonzo said

"Nah nigga that's not even nothing" Melo said shaking his head

"Shit i'll take that money then." Addy said laughing

"Facts not you turning down free money" J-Ray said

They got on line for the first ride and they forced Melo to get on it.

Adeola//Addy P.O.V

Hours later we went on a lot of rides and some that Melo refused to go on cause he's a bitch lmao. But all of went our separate ways and I went with Melo

"Come play this basketball game with me" I told Melo grabbing his hand dragging him to the game. It was one of those games where you had to get a certain amount of shots in order to get a prize

"Aw shit i'm so bad at this" I said laughing missing a couple of shots. Melo just stood there looking at me laughing

The buzzer went off signifying that the time was up. I wasn't able to get the prize I wanted this time but i asked to play again and this time Melo helped me. He stood behind me and whispered in my ear

"We gone take turns taking shots ok. Ima bucket so i know ima make all my shots ya feel me" He said chuckling

"Nigga just play the game wit yo cocky ass" I said shaking my head. We played for that minute and we ended up winning

"Which one do you want miss" The guy said

"I'll take the bear" I said pointing to the one i wanted and said thanks as he gave it to me

"Thanks for helping me dip" I said while we walked away

"It's no problem i gotta spoil you and shit" He said looking at me

"Shoot now i feel bad i don't be getting you nothin" I said pouting

"Nah stop that just having you near me makes me a hunnid times betta" He said lifting my chin up pecking my lip. I smiled and took out my phone while we walked around. I saw messages from the group chat saying we could stay for 15 more min before we go home it was already like 8 and i'm tired bro.

"You wanna go get some cotton candy then go on the ferris wheel." He asked me

"Yea let's do that since they wanna go in a couple of min" I said as we headed to the cotton candy booth. He payed for it giving it to me and we walked on line for the ferris wheel

"you want some" I asked putting some up to his mouth. He responded by eating what i gave him

"Preciate it." He said putting his arm over my shoulder pulling me closer to him. When it was our turn to get on Melo stopped and talked to the guy operating the machine for a minute.

"Everything good?" I asked sitting on the seat.

"Yea just had to ask him something real quick" He said moving over to mrs wrapping his arms around me. The ride started moving and we just looked at the scenery together talking every once in a while. Once we reached the top the ride stopped

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