Chapter 33: I Burn

Start from the beginning

(Y/N) chuckled slightly underneath his mask at her little joke and then he used his free hand to slide his arm around her shoulder to scoop her underneath his arm in a one armed, side hug. "No, we are not running. We'll be doing something very similar to your own ability."

Ruby's face lit up in excitement, "no way! You can make everyone move really, really fast too!"

"If instantaneously is considered really, really fast then yes, I can do that. It may be slightly disorienting at first, but I'm sure you'll be a little more used to it than the average person. Demonic Walk" much to Ruby's amazement, one moment they were in the center of the street, then the next they were down the street on top of a building, and then the next they were on another roof top further down the street. 

After this happened six more times (Y/N) stopped the movement for a moment to check on Ruby and make sure she was alright. "Red, are you doing alright? Do you need a break or anything like that?"

Ruby looked up to the man completely wide eyed in pure amazement, "that was awesome! Do it again, do it again! It's like what I do, but I don't feel the wind of the movement at all! It's literally like we were in one place... and then we were in another. But minus all the moving!"

"I'll take that as a yes then" he said as he teleported them the rest of the way to the club. As they approached the large building, (Y/N) stopped his teleportation directly in front of the black carpet that was rolled out as the VIP entry to the building and even from there he could hear the clashing of fists and the booms of exploding Dust. 

"I swear to god Yang, if you break hella shit it my club I'm gonna flip" he thought as he let go of the short girl that was hugging tightly to his side. "Red, we're here."

"Woah, this place looks super adult. It's kinda sketchy too. Why are there people dressed like the dead people on the street that Scylla killed? I thought they were the baddies?"

"It's a little bit more complicated then that Red, but I'm sure you'll understand in time, but for now try to focus on the fact that your sister is in here" he said as he pat the girl on her head slightly.


"Also, you can let go of me now, we won't be teleporting anymore" he said to the clinging girl, but as he said in, she only began hugging his side tighter.

"Really? Do I have to?" She began depressingly, "I don't really want to. For some reason hugging you is really, really, really comfortable and I don't wanna let go. Can I stay on please?"

(Y/N) let out a small exhale and answered with a monotone, "sure, but lets not delay or entry any further. Your sister is more than likely destroying everything in this club right now and that thought does not really excite me at all." As soon as he finished speaking, the group stepped onto the black carpet and the moment they did the six large bouncers that lined the entry way bowed down in unison.

A moment after their quick bow, as (Y/N) and his group reached the center of the carpet, the men welcomed their leaders back with a thunderous announcement. "Welcome back Chief! Welcome home Mistress!" The power couple ignored their welcome committee and continued walking towards the double doors that were being held open by two more bowing men.

However, Ruby was left absolutely astonished by the sudden welcome and she hugged closer to Redman's arm as she saw the men's reaction to his appearance, and after they entered into the club, she let out a small whisper. "Woah, Redman and Hel must be really important or something. Hey, are you guys really important?"

Hel responded with a light chuckle and said, "something like that Ruby."

"Wow, that's like super cool!" After that small thought, the entire groups attention was brought to bangs, booms, and clashes that were echoing off the marble walls, coming from the central club room. It sounded like a major fight had broken out, and as they breached the large rectangular arch that brought them into the massive room, the source of the noise became ever apparent. 

The Awakened One, Book 1: RemnantWhere stories live. Discover now