30.How Much In The Salary Card?

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"I didn't mean to disagree with it." Jungkook didn't know how to express his feelings, and finally could only groan out such a sentence.

He did not intentionally disagree, but he did not know the reason for disagreement, but fortunately Lisa understood.

"Then we won't nail it." Lisa comforted. "It can be hung up without nails. It's just a little bit more troublesome, maybe tomorrow. Uncle Li, can I trouble you help us put this picture tomorrow to hang up without nails."

"Yes, no problem." Uncle Li spent so many years at Jeon's house, also watched Jungkook grow up. What Lisa said meant he immediately understood. Second Young Master was looking at a nail on the bed, which was annoying. Then he would bring a professional master tomorrow to prevent Second Young Master from seeing the nail.

When Jungkook heard it, his eyebrows fluttered, and a look of joy appeared on his face.

Uncle Li assured him, and immediately returned to his place holding his own toolbox. Jungkook put this pair of puzzles that Lisa was proud of, and carefully placed it on the desk, for fear of accidentally messing it up.

"Kook." Lisa walked to Jungkook and asked naturally, "Did you just get confused?"

"Confused?" The word Jungkook rarely heard, and for a moment he couldn't understand it.

"Confuse means to be in a dilemma when deciding something." Lisa explained patiently, "Did you just want to hang the painting and you don't want nails, so you can't bear it?"

"Yes, headache." Jungkook nodded honestly.

"After that, did we think of a solution to this matter?" Lisa asked again.

"Yes." Although Lisa is bad in math and has bad memory, she was still clever in some ways.

"So, have you found that many confusing things have the best of both worlds. The next time you encounter this kind of confusing thing, don't worry, don't feel uncomfortable, think about it when you calm down, Perhaps a solution can be thought of. Moreover, this will not cause headaches. "Lisa looked at Jungkook with encouragement.

Lisa's passage was a bit long, and the causality in it was also a bit complicated compared to Jungkook. Fortunately, Jungkook's memory is very good, and he meditated over this passage in his heart until he understood the meaning of Lisa's words.

"Yes, think about it later," Jungkook assured earnestly.

"Awesome!" Lisa couldn't help but boast.

Jungkook suddenly showed a shallow smile.

"The weekend after tomorrow, shall we go and see my parents?" When they returned from the cherry garden, Lisa wanted to go back to visit her parents, but as a high school teacher, the Kim couple was busy and had no summer vacation. High school teachers make up lessons and will not return home after 10pm. Lisa can only find them at weekends, even in summer vacations.

As long as it is with Lisa, Jungkook has no opinion on where to go.

"I have one more thing to discuss with you," Lisa said seriously. "I'm going this time. If I want to buy some gifts for my parents, I may use your salary card."

Lisa wants to use his salary card, so use it. Jungkook looked at Lisa and waited for her to continue.

Lisa waited for a while, but did not see Jungkook's reaction, then realised that she did not ask a question, that's why Jungkook was not able to answer. So she asked: "Can I use it?"

Although when Jungkook handed in the salary card, she said that she would use the money, and that Jungkook himself may have no concept of money, but as a couple, Lisa felt that she could spend Jungkook's money, but she should let Jungkook know where she spends his money.

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