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"Goodbye, have fun!", I called after the others who were leaving the Tower.

"Very funny", said Natasha and pulled her raincoat tighter around her battle outfit.

"I don't know what your problem is", Thor smirked. "I love this weather." A thunder rumbled in the distance.

"Couldn't you stop at least the rain?", Tony snapped as he stepped as the last person into the elevator.

"Nope", Thor answered. "We're not on Asgard."

I missed Tony's annoyed answer because the elevator doors closed and the other Avengers were headed down for their mission. I smiled and listened to the rain hitting the windows.

"They are gone!", I yelled so Loki in his room would know. He was the only one besides me that stayed here for the mission.

No answer. Typical.

I sighed and walked the way to my room. Another thunder resounded over New York and I felt how I relaxed. I just loved thunderstorms.

I reached my room, closed the door and opened the window a bit. That way I could hear the storm, and the fresh air smelling of the rain could come into my room.

I picked up my book and read for roughly ten minutes.

An urgend knock at the door interrupted me. I looked up. "Come in!"

Loki stepped into the room. He seemed nervous and a bit more pale than usual.

"Can I stay here for a minute?", he asked.

"Sure", I said. "Sit on the bed if you like. Are you okay?"

He nodded shortly and closed the door behind him, then he went to the bed and sat down rather stiffly.

A thunder came from outside.

"Why the hell is your window open?", he blurted out.

I looked to the window and back to him. "... because I like to smell and hear the rain? Are you sure you are okay?"

He hesitated to answer and I examined him. Loki still sat there like he was frozen solid to my blanket. I got up and closed the window, then I placed the book on my desk. I put on a gentle expression. "Please tell me, what is bothering you?"

A thunder came from outside and Loki flinched. Then his cheeks reddened and he avoided my glance.

"Oh", I said very quietly, stood up and walked over to him. I put an arm around his shoulders while the butterflies in my belly fluttered. "Hey, it's okay to be scared of thunder. A lot of people are. You are safe here. I will protect you."

His glance met mine when I added the last part. "You will protect me from the thunder?", he asked, a hint of teasing in his voice.

"Well, that was the first thing that came to my mind to calm you down", I said, blushing. "I am trying, okay?"

Loki chuckled shakily, then a lightning lighted up the room and he scooted over a bit closer to me.

My belly plummeted a few storeys and I held him tighter. "Is the storm the reason why you didn't want to go on that mission today?"

Loki shook his head. "No, that was actually Tony's idea. I would have liked to go. I can't stand to be alone during storms."

"Hm", I said carefully. "Seems hard when Thor is your brother." A small pause happened. "I actually like storms. They are calming for me."

He looked at me. My heart beat faster as I noticed how close our faces were together. "How?"

I looked at the ground. "I don't know. It's just so beautiful. It's nature. Humans destroy so much of this world. But this part, we won't be able to destroy. And if we somehow do, it will always come back in a few hundred years. It is calming that there is a greater force than us out there."

Loki nodded while thinking deeply. "Maybe I am scared of it because we Asgardians are supposed to be the most powerful beings in our realms. It scares me that here on earth is something ... I have no control over."

I nodded again. I also noticed he was a bit more calm now.

"I feel cold", he suddenly said.

I touched his hand. It was ice cold. "Oh. Maybe we should get a blanket. Should we ... get under the blanket?" I waited hesitantly for his answer.

Loki nodded. "Yeah, that would probably be a good idea."

We laid down and slipped under the covers. It was a bit awkward and I had the feeling that something wasn't adding up.

Wait. He was a frostgiant.

I turned my head to him and saw the mischievous glimmer in his eyes. "Did you also lie about your fear of storms or just about being cold?", I teased. Not that I minded to be in bed with him. I actually had fantasized about it many nights. But he could have been a bit more elegant about it.

"Nope, just about being cold", he grinned. "Don't think I need to lie about my fears to get in the beds of pretty girls."

"I am just a pretty girl to you?", I said indignantly. Then I pushed him off the bed.

He hit the ground with a thud. "Ouch", he responded.

"Oh, come on", I snickered and turned on my belly. "Don't tell me that hurt. You are a god."

An animalistic hissing noise resounded from the edge of my bed, and as I looked to the side, I saw a bunch of little snakes crawl up my bed, they slithered under my clothes as I yelped and finally Loki transformed back into himself on top of me. "Yes, I am", he purred into my ear.

A shudder ran over me, from the weird feeling of the snakes and his lips so close to my neck. "Don't ever do that again", I mumbled.

Loki chuckled and kissed my neck. Goosebumps ran down my spine. "Then don't push me off the bed."

I squirmed a little in his grasp and let out a small moan. "Are you undressing your shirt?"

Loki stopped, a little confused. "No?"

I smirked at him. "Why not?"

He grinned. "Because I enjoy making you wait."


Okay guys, this will be a little weird but I want to talk about it. I don't know what the HELL is going on with me lately, but I am so horny, I just can't. I want to have sex with a person so bad. What the heck is that?
I am 19, so I am more or less through with puberty, so is it that my Loki love gets on another level? Is it that I am finally over the crush I had on one of my friends and the hormones have to go somewhere? Is it that I am finally going to therapy and resolve family issues and actually learn to care about my own feelings??
Why the hell can sexy Loki/Tom Hiddleston not just wait until I have mastered lucid dreaming? I can't stand this. I want him so bad. What is happening to my brain? Maybe puberty is really hitting late. I just - my brain is full of smut so prepare, guys.

Sorry, just ranting. Do you have those phases too? How do you feel about this when it happens to you? Any tips on how to lucid dream or shift? You lovely (and horny) people, assemble.

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