My prisoner

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I wandered through the Tower into Loki's room. Today was one of those days without a mission, and spending hours without social activities (everybody went about their business), I often felt the need for attention from my boyfriend.
So I opened Loki's door and popped my head inside. "Can I come in?"
"M-hm", Loki mumbled. He sat on his bed, his back turned to me, and read a book.
I smiled and closed the door behind me. Then I hopped onto his bed and hugged him from behind. I wrapped my legs and arms around his waist and put my head over his shoulder.
I saw how Loki's expression changed into a vague smile.
I kissed his cheek. "Hello, dear", I said.
His smile grew wider, but his eyes didn't break away from the pages.
I raised one hand to let it glide through his hair and placed kisses along his jawline. "I want attention", I murmured.
"M-hm", Loki said again.
I stopped to kiss him. Then I pulled my hand down and wrapped myself tighter around him. When I felt safe, I squeezed his sides one time.
"Ahh!", made Loki and jerked. His book fell out of his hand to the ground and he automatically tried to grab my hands.
They stayed were they were. I smirked and he turned his head to look at me.
His eyes twinkled. "Do I see mischief in your eyes, dear?"
I grinned. "Maybe."
"Would you free me out of this miserable situation in your trap-hug?", he asked. "This book is interesting."
"Oh, does Mister silvertongue try to talk himself out of this?", I responded cheekily. "I have the impression that you don't want me to find out how ticklish you are."
Loki chuckled. "I assure you that that is not the case. I just want to kiss you in a better position."
"I thought your book was why you wanted to be free", I said. "Too late. You are my prisoner now."
Loki laughed. "Okay, I grant that to you. Are you happy now? Would you let me read?"
"But I can do whatever I want with you. And I don't want to let you free. I want to do this." And with another grin, I started to tickle him.
Loki giggled and laughed loudly soon. He toppled backwards onto the bed and we rolled on our sides, me still squeezing his. His legs kicked into the air and his hands tried desperately to tug my fingers off his body.
"Stop!", he laughed and his black hair scattered over the mattress. "Stop, (y/n)!"
I giggled and slowly paused my movements. "My prisoner", I whispered into his ear and kissed his reddened cheek.
Loki gasped for air and calmed down slowly. Then an evil smirk spread over his face. "You made a mistake."
Before I knew what happened, I felt his fingers now dancing over my body. I screeched and tried to fight back, but now where he didn't try to pull my hands away, I stood no chance. He reached with one hand for me and continued tickling while he freed himself out of my hug with the other. When he was free, I threw myself onto my belly, hoping to safe my most ticklish parts.
"Oh", Loki grinned and sat down on my back. "It seems that you are my prisoner now."
I threw a look over my shoulder and saw his expression. It was this vicious, mischievous smile, the one that made his eyes glitter with evil ideas. Everything in me screamed 'Marry him!', but then he raised his hands and let his fingers wiggle into the air. Now only half of my mind screamed 'Marry him', the other half strongly suggested to run away. Too bad this wasn't a choice I had.
"Oh dear, are you ticklish?" And with these words, he lowered his hands.
Nothing could have prepared me. Of course the god of mischief was a good tickler, but that ... his fingers ran over my back, pressed in places I didn't know I was ticklish, and my sides and ribs were pure hell. He enjoyed himself while I became a giggling, screeching mess.
He continued for a while, then his movements faded. Loki cuddled down beside me and pulled me into his arms. I still giggled and turned around to face him. His eyes glimmered with satisfaction, and I saw the affection for me in them. "Are you okay?", he asked amused.
"Yes", I chuckled and took a deep breath. "You are the worst. And the best partner I could ever have."
Loki snickered and gave me a kiss on my nose. "I give all that right back to you."


Sorry that I write about tickling again, but it is just so cute. You could say it is my comfort scenario, and it fits Loki so well :) Have a good night!

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