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Loki kissed me on the mouth with more passion, pressing me against the table while our lips moved with each other.
I broke the kiss for a moment. "Really? In Tony's lab?", I asked him and giggled. "Don't you think we could break something?"
Loki looked around smugly, observing the lab we stood in, pretending to think. "Nothing Tony couldn't repair later, I guess." He grinned. "Or do you want me to stop kissing you?"
"Don't you dare", I said and pressed my lips against his again.
I felt him smiling into the kiss and we made out more, my fingers sliding into his hair and him leaning into my touch, his body almost squirming to touch more of me.
I was fully engulfed into making out when I suddenly heard a shatter in the distance. Confused, I opened my eyes, and as we broke the kiss to look around to find the source of the noise, I saw that we knocked one of Tony's inventions off the table.
"Oh", Loki said.
"Is it broken?", I asked.
He groaned. I knew he didn't care because all he wanted to do at the moment was me, but he knew that I didn't want to get in trouble with Tony.
"I will just put it back", he mumbled, placed a kiss at my neck that made me shiver and bend down to pick the device up. As soon as Loki touched it, a flash of white light appeared and ... well, what exactly had happened?
I blinked. Loki wasn't gone, but he was small. Like ... toddler sized.
"Uhm ... Loki?", I said.
He didn't answer, instead he produced some child-like sounds and turned around on wobbly legs. I didn't believe my eyes. A real toddler stood in front of me - Loki as a toddler.
"Bruce?", I called through the Avengers Tower in a high voice. "Uh, Natasha? Steve? I've got a problem!"
Toddler-Loki laughed a high little boys laugh and hit my knee with his tiny fists. It was the highest point he could reach. Then he poked his tongue out at me and giggled while falling onto his backside.
I crouched down. "Loki, if you can understand me, clap your hands once. If that is some weird prank of you, clap twice or transform back, please."
Toddler-Loki touched his face, said something that could mean 'chocolate' or 'pyjamas' and started to cry.
"Clint?", I called louder. "Steve! Bruce! I need help!" I looked down at my transformed boyfriend. "Please stop crying, Loki."
Loki looked at me like he understood me, stopped crying for a second, sucked in a much needed breath and let out the loudest baby scream I ever heard.
"Loki!" I put my hands over my ears. "Somebody help!", I yelled.
Nobody seemed to hear me so I decided to try to make Loki stop crying. I reached for him with open arms. As soon as he spotted that, he stopped crying and jumped up with a mischievous glimmer in his eyes, running away much faster than I would have anticipated.
"Hey!" I got up and rushed after him. "Come back! Loki!"
But he already was through the door. I went up the stairs behind him and followed him into the main living area of the Tower. I always just saw the last tip of his little armour disappearing behind the doorframe.
"Steve! Natasha!", I panted while running. "Someone!"
As I reached the living room, Natasha walked into me.
"Hey, (y/n). What's wrong?", she asked concerned.
"Loki! He is a baby!"
"Loki has a baby?"
"No! Loki is a baby! More like a toddler. He touched one of Tony's inventions and now -"
Natasha stared at me like I was the one going crazy. Then a noise let us both turn around.
Toddler-Loki was standing at the edge of the living room table and spread his arms out in his usual pose. He looked a bit wobbly but definitly blabbered something that sounded like 'kneel'.
Natasha laughed. "Oh, that is adorable. Get over here, little Loki, we will take care of you until Tony comes back -" She walked in his direction but before she could try to pick him up, he sneezed and a green flash shimmered through the living room. The table lit up in green flames.
"No!", Natasha and I screeched.
"Oh my god, he has his powers?", I called alarmed.
"Seems like it! Oh no, how do we stop that -" Natasha looked around, but before she could do something, the fire vanished and Loki ran out the open living room door at toddler high-speed.
Natasha cursed. We both tried to catch up with him while Nat spoke into the Avengers emergency connection in her wristband. "This is a call for everybody. We have Loki transformed into a toddler, yes you have heard that right, wreaking havoc in the living area of the Tower. Tony and Steve, come back from your earrands immediatly. This is not a drill."
"Tony and Steve are on earrands?", I asked, panicking. "We need Tony to undo whatever one of his devices has done to age up Loki."
"Tony, any cures?", Natasha asked into her wristband. "No, I don't care who's fault it is that he is transformed. Okay, stop complaining, just move your iron ass back here!" She ended the call.
I rushed into the kitchen first, waiting to find chaos. But there was nobody.
"Where is he?", Natasha asked next to me.
"Maybe he went somewhere else", I answered hesitantly. "We should continue searching."
An out of breath voice reached us from behind. "Loki? A toddler?", Bruce asked.
We turned around while Thor and Clint arrived next to him.
"Yes. But we can't seem to find him. Spread and search for a little black-haired bunch of mischief on two legs. And watch out, he has got his powers."
"Oh great", Thor sighed. "I already had to stand him in that age once."
We quickly scattered through the living area and made sure all the doors out of the living area were locked. We were not sure if that would keep him inside, though.
It took a while, and while I looked into the drawers in the living room, I heard two screams out of the kitchen.
"I've got him! He was in the freezer!", a very scared Bruce yelled.
"Uaaaaah!", Loki screamed.
"Ouch!", Bruce said. "He- he is hitting me- ow!"
While I ran towards the kitchen, I heard a thump and Toddler-Loki dashed into the hallway. He was transforming from his Jotun-form back into his normal form, the blue colour just fading, and chocolate ice cream was smeared around his mouth.
I chased him right the moment Thor and Steve came through the door.
"Hello!", Tony called with an arm full of shopping bags. "I have heard someone touched my inventio- argh!"
Loki ran through his legs and Tony fell, the grocerys rolling through the hallway.
"Close the door!", I yelled at Steve who obeyed to the command immediatly. The door slammed shut and Steve grabbed Loki by the collar. Loki shrieked and wriggled around, but Steve didn't let go. Then, with a green flash, he turned into a snake.
Steve made a very high-pitched sound he would never admit he made and dropped Loki. On the ground, Loki turned back and tried to run away, only to get grabbed again by Tony. Tony wrapped his hands around Loki's waist and lifted him up, Loki's tiny fists hitting Tony's fingers.
"Loki", said Tony in a serious voice and looked him in the eyes.
Loki stopped his fighting and looked back at Tony.
"You can stop making mischief-"
Loki laughed at the word 'mischief'.
"No", Tony said seriously. "No mischief, okay?"
The rest of the team was now in the hallway, watching Tony and Loki without daring to speak.
"As I said", repeated Tony, "no mischief here. We have to be ca- aaagh!"
Loki had summoned tiny daggers not bigger than a needle and stabbed Tony. Tony cried out in pain and dropped Loki. As soon as Loki stood on his own legs, he sprinted back to the kitchen, making an 'uiii' sound.
"Get back here you little shit!", Tony cursed while everyone ran after the giggling Loki.
"You can't curse in front of a child!", Natasha said.
"But it's Loki! He is-
"Help he is setting the kitchen on fire!", Bruce screamed.
"No, not again!", Natasha and I shouted.
We saw a short image of green flames before Loki decided he didn't want to be in the kitchen anymore. He ran back to the living room through our legs, making us all almost fall again.
"You!", I said and clutched Tony. "You get a cure. Loki touched some small device in your lab, it should be on the ground somewhere. Quick!" And I left him in the hallway.
Meanwhile, all the remaining Avengers were cornering Loki between the sofa and the table. I joined him and announced that Tony was working on a cure.
"Good", said Clint. "Because I really like our Tower."
Loki blabbered angry scraps of conversation and threw a dagger at him with surprisingly good aim.
"Hey! Don't do that again, young man."
Loki did it again.
"(Y/n), get your damned boyfriend!", cursed Clint.
"He is not- I mean- he is a toddler, so that makes it a lot more complicated-"
"I don't care, just get him!", said Clint.
I kneeled on the carpet and spread my arms out. "Come here, Loki. Come on, I will get you some ice cream."
Loki made big eyes and stumbled towards me. He laughed and climbed up my lap, repeating variations of the words 'ice' and 'cream'.
"Aww", I said and patted his head. Loki giggled, licking off some remains of the ice cream that was still smeared around his mouth.
Suddenly Tony barged in. "I've got a cure!"
All calming words were useless in the chaos that broke out. Loki jumped up with a scream, everybody tried to grab him while Tony closed the door in a rush, and Loki multiplied to ten to twenty Lokis.
"Oh no", I said.
Toddler-Lokis were everywhere, every one of them doing their own thing. Some were laughing, some were running around, and others were throwing a tantrum. The illusions were unphysically, my hands went through the false Lokis.
"Behold!", Thor called with his thunderous voice. "I've got a plan!"
He summoned Mjolnir and made out the real Loki. Then he grabbed him ungently by his wrists and set the hammer down on his chest.
We all held our breath. There was one quiet second, then Loki threw a screaming tantrum that knew no bounds.
"Tony!", I yelled through the din, "get the cure!"
Tony stumbled forwards and I saw the device Loki touched in his gloved hands. He put it in Lokis hand and we all watched eagerly.
As Loki began to grow, Thor hastily took the hammer from his chest.
"I have reprogrammed it", Tony said hesitantly. "It will probably work."
"Probably?!" I watched Loki getting bigger, growing into an adult quickly. As he reached his final age, he coughed and Tony pulled the device from his hands.
Loki lay flat on the ground, then he lifted his head to look at us. "I feel ... strange." Then he licked the chocolate ice cream from his mouth and furrowed his brows.
"It's compli-", I started, but Nat interrupted me.
"You were a toddler", she said. "You set both the living room table and the kitchen on green fire."
"You hit me in the face", said Bruce.
"You threw daggers at me", said Clint.
"You transformed into a snake in my hands", said Steve.
"You stabbed me", said Tony.
"Please don't touch Tony's devices again", I added, hiding a smile.
Loki smirked. "I mean ... it sounds like I had a lot of fun -"
Everyone scowled at him.
"- I wont do it again." He winked at me as he got up. "Maybe."

I know I still have open requests, but I thought I should post something lighthearted and funny as a late christmas present. I promise I will write your requests! Merry christmas to you all!

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