Stop doing that

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"Loki, stop doing that", I said. I, Thor and Loki sat in the Avengers living room for a while now and he had been annoying without end.

Loki grinned. He continued lightly tapping with his fingernails on the back of the book he was reading.

I sighed and rolled my eyes, putting my own book down. "I can't concentrate. You are absolutely annoying all of us."

"Oh, do I?", Loki asked smugly. He glanced at Thor who was reading his newspaper in an armchair. "What do you say about that?"

"You are." Thor's glance didn't leave the newspaper, even when Loki propped his feet up on the armrest of his chair.

"Loki please, we just want to read peacefully", I groused.

"We want to read", Loki mimicked in a high voice. He smirked. "Sorry, but I am the god of mischief. You have to live with that. And Thor, you should wash your hair sometimes. It's greasy."

Loki's glance went back to his book and he continued tapping on it. Thor and I exchanged a look. Loki really got on our nerves lately, at first we suspected it was because he had a crush on me. Later we didn't care, we just wanted it to stop.

"Loki is really annoying. We should do something about that", I said to Thor with a slight smile.

He looked back at me and shrugged. "Maybe we should try the method we joked about the last time he got annoying."

Loki listened with raised eyebrows.

"Yeah, you are right", I said and grinned.

Thor put away the newspaper and grabbed Loki's foot at the ankle. He gave it a strong tug and clamped it between his crossed legs. Loki slided down on the sofa and lay flat on his back.

"Hey!", he protested. "What are you doing?"

"Sorry, just what has to be done, brother", Thor responded. "And by the way, my hair isn't greasy."

I grinned and came over, pulling Loki's black boot off his foot. Thor picked up the newspaper again. I let one finger run down Loki's black sock.

Loki flinched and sat right up. "No! No way. You stop that. I am not - I will - aaaagh!"

I had started spidering with all my fingers over his foot and Loki fell onto his back again. He tried to pull his foot out of Thor's grip but wasn't strong enough, instead, he was reduced to a screaming, protesting mess.

"You absolutely stop that, you foolish mortal!", he yelled between his laughing. "I will get my revenge, I will-" But it was hard for him to create coherent sentences, Loki became a real mess.

"If I remembered correctly", I started while I concentrated on a particular ticklish spot under his toes that made him screech, "you said that you will be 'mercilessly annoying' three days ago. Wouldn't that require me to be merciless while giving it all back?"

He shook his head and spit out a flood of curse words that were so funny that I had to laugh about it and slowed down.

Loki calmed down a little, still flinching and writhing but recovering his breath. "You. Two. Are so dead", he panted. "I will stab both of you-"

Thor examined him over the edge of his newspaper. "There's a spot on his heel, maybe you can find it, (y/n) ..."

"NOOO!", Loki called but I was already working on it. "STOP DOING THAT!"

I searched for a while and found it, and Loki was going into hysterics. It still satisfied me that I could pay him back for all these times, but the softer side of me felt sorry for him. So after I listened to his pleading for a little more, I stopped and leaned back.

"I hope that teached you a lesson", I said and retreated into my armchair.

Loki tried to catch his breath and lay on his back for a while, his hair a whirl of messy black curls, and Thor let go of his foot. Loki panted and stared at the ceiling.

"Did I traumatize you too much?", I asked carefully, half joking.

Loki scowled at me and I giggled.

"I mean, it's funny, the god of mischief being tickl-"

But I couldn't finish the sentence. Loki jumped from the sofa on my armchair basically on my lap with the agility of a panther and straddled me. "Watch your words, young lady", he growled into my ear.

I squeaked and saw a devilish, playful shimmer in his eyes.

"You really thought you could tickle me without a ... good ... revenge?" He dramatically spoke every word, moving my wrists above my head and watching my reaction.

I shivered at even hearing the word 'tickle' coming out of his mouth, my heartbeat increasing. "Really, you don't have to do this ...", I said in a sweet way, but his smirk only grew wider.

"I think I do, my little foolish mortal friend ..." Loki spoke slowly and watched me become more jumpy with the second.

I giggled already. "No! No, Thor! Thor, help me!", I laughed.

Thor continued reading. "Sorry, (y/n), I am even with him now."

"You traitor!", I yelped and stared at Loki who now held my wrists with one hand and moved his fingers in the air with the other.

Loki chuckled. "Oh no ... all help left you ... in the arms of me. I wouldn't want to be in your place, (y/n) ... And you know what makes me want to do a thing the most? Being told 'Loki, no'."

I wriggled around as he lowered his fingers onto my body, and then I laughed and screeched as they danced around. I was really glad that one hand was occupied with holding me because the other did the job just fine. No matter how much I squirmed,  his muscles were simply stronger, and his knees held my body in place. I begged and laughed and called for Thor, but nothing freed me out of Loki's hands, and he held my glance with sparkling eyes. I lost track of time and was very glad when he eventually seemed to decide I had enough.

I breathlessly pulled down my arms while he leaned down to my ear and whispered: "Don't think I won't repeat this if I want to."

I moaned a little at his cold breath teasing my skin. He reacted with placing a hot kiss on my neck, creating a little hickey. I wrapped my arms around his body and let my fingers wander up his sides quickly.

Loki flinched and raised an amused eyebrow.

"Just testing", I grinned.

Then we mutually leaned forwards and kissed.

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