He could step on me ...

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"... and I would thank him for that", I finished the sentence.
My friend, the other girl who was patrolling on the quinjet, giggled. "Honestly, same. Loki is hot ... too bad we have to keep him in a cage." She grabbed her gun and got ready for the patrol.
"Yeah", I sighed. "I wish so much that I would be able to touch him. Let alone being with him for more than a few seconds."
"Yes, yes, I know", she grinned. "Are you coming now or do I have to listen to you fangirling any longer?"
"Hey", I laughed, grabbed a gun myself and went into the hallway with her. We chatted, walked together for a while and split up because of the different patrolling routes. I was going through the room where Loki was kept today. Today was a lucky day.
I looked over my shoulder before I unlocked the door. Nobody stood behind me, so I opened the door and went in. Before I even closed it, my glance searched for the good looking man in black golden leather. But in the glass cage ...
"Are you ever not going to fall for that?", Loki's voice reached me from outside the cage.
Outside the cage. Shit.
Thor stood helplessly inside the glass. That was big trouble. The two brothers seemed to be too interested in each other to really notice me, and I was stressing too much with finding a plan without dying to move. When I finally made a decision to quietly say "Shhh" in Thor's direction, Loki pressed a button and the cage dropped out of the jet.
I screeched. What was a bad idea because now I got Loki's attention.
"Uh, who do we have here?", he said in his rough voice and stepped over to me.
Against my will and the panic in my head, my heart beat faster and a blush crept up my cheeks.
"Oh", Loki smirked. "A guard with an interesting facial colour. Let's -"
But he couldn't finish. Other guards burst in, and in that same second, Loki used his scepter to defend himself. The first blow of it threw me to the side against a wall, and I slid down. I groaned, my back hurt and I felt unable to stand up. I tried to prop myself up onto my arms, but everytime I used my stomach muscles to lift up my upper body, all the air went out of my lungs. I just couldn't, I had to watch the fight from below.
After a while it went quiet, and I wasn't sure who I wanted to win. Did somebody win at all?
Then I heard heavy leather boots walking towards the exit. Against all I had been taught, a little happy feeling rose in my chest and I couldn't surpress a small smile.
And then it happened. Loki stepped on my hand. He didn't notice it was me, and strangely I remembered the conversation I had with my friend.
"Thanks", I whispered.
Loki stopped walking and looked over his shoulder down at me. "Thanks?", he repeated with a puzzled frown. "I just stepped on you."
My smile grew into a sheepish smirk.
"Ah ...", Loki answered. He grinned, listened if other guards were coming, and as he heard no one, he turned around to face me, still with the glowing scepter in his hand.
I blushed again but couldn't manage to look the other way.
He chuckled, and his voice transitioned from rough to velvety. "Do I make you nervous, mortal?" He took a step towards me. "Did you get feelings for me?"
Suddenly I was embarassed. He probably didn't even like me. He knew me for five minutes, maximum. He wouldn't-
"But such subordination has to be rewarded." And Loki did the unspeakable really quick - he crouched down, bent down to my face and kissed me right on the mouth.
I let out a high, surprised moan. His lips curled into a smile while he kissed me more. He tasted me, inclined his head a bit and moved his lips with mine. I felt him tugging at my upper lip, chuckling into the kiss as I slowly started to participate. There were a few beautiful seconds of excited fire and hunger raging inside me as the kiss went on, his black hair tickled my face and neck and the god of mischiefs lips caressed mine.
Then he pulled back and stood up. "Think about which side you want to be on." Loki smiled one last time and went out the door.
My head was full of clouds. Side? Thinking? Huh? I couldn't concentrate for a full ten seconds. Then I realised I didn't feel any pain anymore. I felt better than ever ... like somebody healed me.
I jumped up. Hesitantly, I looked to the broken door.
Think about which side you want to be on.
Slowly, a smirk sneaked onto my face and I rushed towards the door.

Somebody requested a part 2, it's now in my other oneshot book for longer ones!

It's been a while since I saw Avengers, so I apologise for potential incorrect details of this scene.
I hope you liked the oneshot, have a great weekend!

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