Performance issues

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"How did you find a cafe that nice?", I asked Loki through the chatting voices from the other tables.
"Experience, darling." He sat on the opposite end of the small table and drew with his forefinger little circles on the top.
I smiled as I noticed that. Everytime Loki was happy and unburdened, he did these little things. I glanced to the side and through the big window. I could overlook the whole city. "We should go here more often."
He nodded contentedly. I noticed  he took his hand under the tabletop. One second later I felt it on my knee. I smiled at him. Loki continued to draw the circles there, and I shivered a bit. He smirked and continued.
"What would you two like to drink?" A waiter looked at me attentively.
I took a moment to gather my thoughts, which I could see Loki liked. He continued to draw circles on my knee.
"I would like an orange juice", I said, trying to shake Lokis hand off. That was what I got from having a relationship with the god of mishief.
"A glass of water", Loki said without even thinking about taking his hand off my leg. He even acceleracted the movements and it tickled a bit.
Finally the waiter left.
"Loki!", I said.
He laughed. "Be glad I didnt do this", he said and pinched right behind my kneecap.
My leg jumped up and I needed all my self-control to not hit the table. "Loki!", I replied more eager.
We both laughed.
After taking another glance at the fascinating view I said: "Excuse me for a moment" and headed towards the restroom. I catched Loki looking after me and smiled. I went into the restroom, did everything I had to and opened the door to the cafe again. Then I ran into a human body.
"Oh, sorry", I said and looked up.
A man looked down at me and I could tell from his dark red apron that he was another waiter.
But as soon as I took a look at his face, I felt like an ice cold lightning struck through my bones. It was him. Him. I hadnt seen him in like five years? But I would never forget the emptyness he always left in me when we had seen each other. It was just a couple of dates, a little crush .. and yet the few months had crushed me from the inside. I lowered my head.
"Hey", the person said. "I think I remember you... I have dated you, right?" He narrowed his eyes. "Ha, yes. You were one of the ugly ones."
I didnt look up.
"I always told you you looked better in that red dress. The green one didnt fit you. But it was your stupid decision to wear it ... you understand that I had to brake up with you, right? You embarassed me. I always told you that you shouldnt trust your capability in making choices. And you did." He smiled coldy. "And screwed up everything."
His whole monologue washed over me like a bitter, toxic wave. I had almost forgotten this feeling. "Excuse me, what is happening here?" Loki stood next to us and his glance switched from one person to the other. I was too ashamed to lift my head. Burning tears found their way down my cheek and I shook my hair in front of my face in hope Loki wouldnt see them.
Loki watched me. "Do you allow me to ...?", he asked and reached out to my hand as he sometimes did to get a glimpse of my feelings.
I nodded impalpable and he touched the tips of my fingers. As my emotions flew over to him his whole position changed. His muscels tensed up.
Suddenly he looked a lot taller.
As fast as lightning he grabbed my ex at their neck. The tray fell out of my exes hands and shattered on the ground. That pulled me back into reality. My head jerked up and I watched how Loki dragged my ex through the cafe. I stumbled after them, my ex started to punch Lokis stomach. Loki didnt even flinch. "You are not good enough to fight me", Loki hissed. "But dont worry, its not uncommon, one out of five men have performance issues." He chuckled, pressed his fingers together so that the jaw of my ex cracked and Loki threw him out the window.
I put my hands over my mouth and watched the glass shatter. Then I looked at Loki.
"Was that okay?", he asked and came over to me, "are you alright?"
"Well, morally it was not okay", I squeaked. I took a look around the cafe. None of the other guests seemed to have noticed the scene. Illusions, I guessed. "But I guess its okay for me", mumbled.
Loki came closer. "This will never happen to you again. This time wont repeat itself. I will take care of that." Tears started to flow down my face and Loki pulled me in a long, warm hug.

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