Mischief after sunset

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The sun was setting and rays of red light illuminated my bedroom. I sighed, watched the red circle disappear behind the buildings of New York and turned over on the bed. I wasn't in the mood to sleep. A little exhausted, yes, but not tired.
I rolled onto my back again and stared at the ceiling which was still glimmering in an orange light. It was relatively early but we had an exhausting mission and I was sure every Avenger went to bed or at least to their room.
But I didn't feel sleepy. A desire kept me awake, something inside me, like a ... hunger. As soon as I understood what it was, an idea formed in my head and I grinned. This damned god. Didn't want to leave my head, did he?
I rose from my bed. Loki usually was the one surprising me, but today I felt more brave. I couldn't stand that nothing happening all the time between us. Today would be my day. Or more like my night.
The shine illuminating my room became slowly grey as I transformed. As Loki's favourite animal I glided over the floor, my long glossy body slithering in the direction of the door.
I had kept it ajar so I had no problem getting out. I moved through the empty hallway and when I arrived at his door, I opened it with my tail.
The view was good, I have to admit. Loki had just stepped out of his armour and only wore his tight black t-shirt and pants. His pale skin shone in the dim grey light of his room.
"(Y/n) ?", he asked surprised.
I felt butterflies in my stomach and slithered in his direction over the carpet. This was way more exciting than I had planned.
Loki chuckled. "Wow, a snake. Never saw you transforming into one. It looks good on you." His light black curls fell over his shoulders as he reached down to pet me.
I hissed happily and stretched my tongue out to touch his hand.
He laughed. "Did you just give me a kiss? My goodness."
If I could I would have blushed. Sometimes I forgot he was a shapeshifter too and knew exactly how human behaviour translated into animal behaviour.
I slithered up his leg and coiled myself around his body. It felt good to have his cooling skin under me. It was like an upgraded hug! Quickly I wrapped myself around him, in big windings I went around his upper body, held him tight and finished it all with gliding up his back and sticking my head over his shoulder.
Loki snickered and moved his head so I could plant another kiss at his cheek. I felt his breath on my skin and his hair tickled my neck. I squeezed him a little and then I transformed back into my human form.
Suddenly I sat on his lap, my legs wrapped around him and my arms tightly around his chest. He hugged me and held me close, and as I broke my head away from his neck, we looked into each others eyes.
Mischief was glittering in his. "Wow, I didn't think you would go that far", he teased. "Must have been unbearable, right?"
My confidence shriveled to a tiny thing inside my belly. "What?", I asked, returning the smile shyly.
He raised one eyebrow. "I felt your attraction to me earlier." Loki smirked amused as a flaming red colour crept up my cheeks.
"I thought it wasn't obvious", I mumbled, breaking eye contact.
Loki sighed. "Dear", he said, " I think you need to look up the definition of obvious again."
I smiled embarassedly. Caught in the act. Then I looked into his sparkling eyes. How he enjoyed seeing me like this!
I shifted on his lap.
"Wasn't there something you wanted to do now?", he asked with his velvet voice, still with that provocating smirk. He glanced at my lips.
My breathing hitched. But he was right. Do it!, the voice in my head said. Loki waited ... and finally I gathered my courage. I bend down and kissed him.
The butterflies in my belly exploded and I was sure my face was now bright red. It felt amazing. His lips were on the edge between rough and soft; as we moved, we tasted each other. I felt his hand glide up under my pyjama and I almost broke the kiss when I gasped for air. He smiled into the kiss as he continued to let his fingers crawl over my sides and back. I pulled him closer and shyly tugged a bit at his hair. The more I was surprised as I heard a moan escape his lips.
We continued for a while and I never wanted it to end, but suddenly a voice reached us.
"My gods! Just close the door, you two!" Natasha stood in the hallway and stared at us.
"I -", I started, but I had nothing to explain that situation.
She just reached for the door handle and closed the door vigorously.
Loki and I looked at each other, then we burst out laughing. We fell onto his bed and I lied next to him on my back. He lay on his belly and we both  rolled around until we calmed down. We still giggled and saw into each others eyes.
Then Loki propped himself up on his elbows. "If we are here already ..." And he bend down over me to kiss me again.


Welcome to a new episode of me being horny for this man. It felt like a weird oneshot, but I hope it was positive weirdness. Anyways, lots of Loki-love from me! Have a great week!

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