Honest happiness

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It has been ten minutes since the other Avengers left for a mission. In the Tower there are just two left: me and Loki. 'We need you for back-up', Tony has said while leaving. 'In case something goes wrong'.
I roll my eyes while I stroll through the kitchen, bored. Loki hasn't been an Avenger for a long time, and the others don't trust him enough to go on an important mission like they are on today.
And now we are stuck here.
The kitchen isn't very interesting so I decide to go to Loki into the living room. He sits on the couch and reads a book.
I smile. Even after just the few weeks we know each other I already start to like him. "Hey, what's up?", I ask and sit down on a chair, facing him.
Loki doesn't look up, instead he licks his finger to turn a page. "Since the day I arrived at the Tower I am looking forward to a minute of silence. I am enjoying it very much now. Let me read."
"Wow, someone is grumpy today", I grin. Everyone in the Tower knows my upbeat attitude, and I can cheer up almost every person. However, Loki is a tough nut to crack.
"I am not grumpy", he replies. "This is my normal state of being. I am dark and mysterious and mischievous ... so let me read my book."
"Pretty boring to say that", I answer smirking.
"I simply cannot be boring. I am the god of jokes."
"Yeah? Then tell me one."
He looks up for a second. "You."
I gasp and laugh a little. "I am not a joke!"
Loki can't resist to smirk a bit. "Yes, you are."
I lean back in my chair. "I like it when you smile like that. It looks beautiful."
He looks at me, unsure about the compliment. His glance runs over me, and I wink at him jokingly. He chuckles and turns a page. "Thank you."
"And yet you choose to always be so grumpy."
Loki rolls his eyes. "I am fine with being grumpy. I am not always a laughing ball of happiness, and I don't need to."
I incline my head. Emotions is something I know a lot about, emotional manipulation is my superpower after all. "You don't have to be that. But it is healthy to let the happiness come through. Don't be afraid to feel it just because it might fade. Stowing it away isn't the right choice."
Loki looks at me for a second. Then he looks at his book again.
I sigh. But then an idea crosses my mind. I reach out with my powers and get into Loki's feelings. I find boredom, slight amusement and a hint of a love interest in the first layer. I smile a little and dig deeper to find what I am searching for: true, honest happiness. And I was right, it is behind a wall of grief, hurt and anger, carefully stowed away. With a simple move of my hand I get into it. I watch as I slowly let it spread through his body.
"Hey", Loki says as his eyes get a glimmer of lightheartedness. "Stop that."
"Stop what?", I ask innocently and move the big wall of negative feelings a bit.
"I ... doing that. Let me ... read." He stares onto the pages, hoping I would stop if he doesn't respond. But his eyes are now shimmering with cheerfullness, and the corners of his mouth twitch upwards.
"Let it through", I say quietly. "Trust me. It will feel really good. Please."
"But ..." Loki is now smiling brightly. "Okay", he chuckles.
I tip the wall inside him over and flood his body with positive feelings. Loki closes his eyes and grins, and as he opens them, he looks at me with so much honest, beautiful joy that I find it hard to concentrate on my superpowers. He chuckles, then laughs, lets his book fall on the couch beside him and stretches his arms over his head, in an attempt to use the energy I am setting free.
I slowly withdraw myself from his feelings. His eyes still glitter and he smiles at me merrily.
"Was it good?", I ask smirking.
"Yes it was", he responds and leans forward to look at me. Loki is so happy that he doesn't even hide thankfullness, appreciation or ... attraction. "I would really love to do that again."
"Me too. You still look beautiful when you are smiling."
"And you are still a joke."
"Ey!", I laugh and put my arms on my sides.
He laughs with me.

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