Chapter 29 🍗🍺

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"Jinnie!" I rush over to the last one arriving in my place and hug him tightly.

"Finally we're all here!" Jungkook jumps with joy.

"I see you've been waiting eagerly," SeokJin chuckles, "Maybe I shouldn't have stopped by my place to change,"

"No, you're fine. It's better to be comfortable," I imply and grab his hand to guide him to my small coffee table.

I sit him down with the rest and I stay standing anxious and notice them with gleams of excitement in their eyes.

"So... do you want a beer and some chicken before I say anything about the surprises?" I smile innocently at SeokJin.

I look at the guys and smile mischievously, "Sure, I'll take some chicken and beer before you continue,"

The others whine and smack their gums making SeokJin and I burst into laughter, "Come on now, it's not fair you all get to eat and enjoy a beer and he doesn't," I say after calming my laughter.

"I didn't get a beer," Jimin whines, and I cross my arms and give him a stern look, "Uh, which is fine," He cheekly smiles.

"I'll get the beer and chicken," I sigh shaking my head but smiling happily to see them all here and that they all used my code to get in.

I place some chicken in the toaster oven and set the timer to warm up the chicken. I could still hear the other whine to SeokJin for making them wait a bit longer.

I take a moment and reflect. I really have them all over right now, I gave them my code and they all came in on their own. It's a weird feeling but it doesn't feel uncomfortable like I thought it would be, I smile, it feels good.

I hear the timer go off and I pull the chicken out.

"Can I help?" I get startled and almost drop the chicken.

"Woah," It's Yoongi and he helps by grabbing hold of the plate and my waist to stable me.

"That was close," I sigh relieved I didn't make a mess, I look up at Yoongi who is just inches away from my face, "Too close," I feel my cheeks heat up.

"Is that bad?" He smirks and I shake my head. Yoongi leans in and pecks my lips.

"Here you go, should I help bring the alcohol out now?" He asks heading towards the fridge.

"Sure! That'll be great. Make sure to only bring seven out. We don't need Jimin to drink. Which reminds me—"

"I'll bring him out some soda," Yoongi reads my mind and I smile.

"Thanks so much," He sends me a wink before crouching down and grabbing the drinks from the fridge.

"I have chicken!" I say aloud.

"Yes, I'm starving," SeokJin says being the first to dig in.

Yoongi comes behind me with the cups, bottles, and a soda for Jimin.

"Nice! We finally get the strong stuff," Jungkook happily announces.

"I'll stay sober with Jimin," Taehyung places a comforting hand on Jimin's shoulder.

"Good idea," I smile at them.

While some grab some more chicken again and Yoongi pours some alcohol in cups, I sneak into my room.

I grab the guy's presents and try to stuff them in a duffle bag. I grab the special presents and pack them in an old backpack.

I smile confidently knowing what's in what bag walking out of my room.

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