Chapter 13👌

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SeokJin's POV

After dropping off y/n and Namjoon I drive in silence back to work. Taehyung has changed drastically, maybe I should keep it to myself when his dad asks me how he's doing this week. Mr. Kim might start asking if he's with someone again.

I park in my stall and take the elevator to my floor, I shiver and take my hands out of my pocket and rub them together to warm them up, "It's a good thing I gave my scarf and hand warmers to y/n, it's starting to get real cold," I place them back into my pockets.

The doors open and I hurry to my office, "Kim!," I hear my name being called and turn to see who it is.

"Oh, good afternoon president Kim," I bow to Taehyungs' father.

"So formal this one, good afternoon," He smiles big just like his son, "Did you just come back from lunch?" He asks me.

"Yes, I did,"

"Did you go out with my son?" He asks and I smile shaking my head.

"Oh that's right," He looks at his watch then back to me, "He should be in class right now, so how has he been doing?" He asks me like he does every week after finding out I'm friends with him 3 years ago.

"He's doing good sir, he's been studying and his grades are doing great. Namjoon and Jimin still help him when he needs it," I inform him.

"That's great! I'm so happy he made such great friends like you all. I was a bit worried for him since he seemed like an outcast in middle school," he brings that up again.

"That was many years ago sir, Taehyung has changed a lot since then," I say.

"You are right Mr. Kim, I was also wondering has he met anyone recently?" I feel a bit tense when he asks, the first person that pops into my head is y/n and just the thought of her causes me to smile.

"I think you should ask him that president Kim," I tell him.

"You're right, this is something a father should ask his son personally," He smiles, "Well then, I'll let you go so you can get back to work Kim," He nods and I bow before he turns and walks away.

"I wonder what Taehyung will tell him when his dad asks," I tell myself as I walk into my office, "I wonder if I'll still have this job," I chuckle to myself.


Y/n's POV

"Wow what an evening's worth of work," Yoongi sighed as he locks up the music store.

"Yeah today was pretty busy," I recall all the customers lining up because today is the day G3 came out with their new 3 part album. I pre-ordered one of them and I should have my package waiting for me at home, "I can't wait to go home," I sigh relieved my pretties are waiting for me at home.

"Oh I have something for you," Yoongi says as we walk towards the station.

We stop as he digs in his bag for something, "Here, I saved them especially for you," In his hand were all 3 of the album collection from G3.

I gasp loudly feeling shocked from such a surprise, "For reals? You're just going to give them to me?" I look up at him amazed.

"Yes of course," He chuckles at my reaction and hands them to me then closes his bag.

"Wait how did you know I even liked them? I don't think I even mention it," I ask him as we continue to walk and I hug my albums close.

"The first day you came in for the job I noticed you were looking through the Kpop section. I also noticed every time we get new magazines you would always buy the ones with them on the covers, you also used your discount on buying some of their older albums, also today when we were stocking the albums you were whispering how excited you were to go home and get your album, aaaand when I asked you to put up the cut-outs you were hugging them and whispering sweet things to them," He puts his arm over my shoulders and pulls me in close.

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