Chapter 4 📱

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I walk between Jimin and Tae as they both hold my hands just like earlier with Jimin and Namjoon. We walk Tae to his photography class and he gives me a hug and big smooch goodbye, "I'll see you later on," He gives me a good stare down with a smile before giving me a wink and walking into the building.

"Damn so that means he beat me to asking you?" Jimin says going back to holding my hand.

"Yes, I thought you would ask once we were walking," I tell him as we start to walk.

"Yeah but Namjoon was there and I don't know. I just couldn't say it," He sighs, "Well let me walk you to Yoongi's shop."

"Okay," I say swinging our arms.

"Let me text him I'm on my way," I pull my phone out.

"You know what, I think I should add you to our group message," Jimin says also pulling his phone out.

"Huh? Why?" I ask him stopping my thumb from texting.

"Why you don't want to be added?" He smirks down at me.

"Haha. Isn't that group chat just for you guys though?" I ask wondering if it's okay with all of them, not just him.

He stops and pulls me back for a snug hold. "Don't worry baby, I know for a fact they won't mind it." He leans in to peck my lips, "You are our girlfriend after all." He smiles softly.

He sure does know how to make the butterflies flutter around in my stomach. "Okay," I laugh and we continue to walk. "You can tell Hyung once your in the group chat we are on our way."


Chim_Chim added Y/N.Delight

Here comes our baby!

I laugh at his message and nudge him for it and he chuckles letting go of my hand and puts his arm over my shoulders and pulls me in close.

Ah! Babe! Welcome😚😚

Hey baby glad you're joining

Sweetie! I miss you 🥲

Are you on your way??

Yay! Good idea Jimin

Baby! Hiiiii I miss you too!🥰

"See, told you they'll be fine with it," Jimin says before kissing the top of my head. I smile gratefully that they all seem so welcoming of me into the group chat.

Hi everyone ☺️😘
I'm on my way right now Yoonie, Jimin is walking me

I wish I was already out so you don't have to walk😓

I wish I had my license

Please don't wish that

No hyung you shouldn't be behind the wheel of any car again

You don't need to hyung, once I saved up enough I'll get a car and drive you and y/n around any time

Are you leaving after Jimin?

"Isn't it faster than texting us individually?" Jimin asks with a smile.

I nod, "Yeah it is,"

"What are they saying? My phone is just going crazy," he asks taking a peek at my screen since he put his phone back into his pocket.

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